"There you are." I heard a voice call. Chanel ran towards Richard and hugged him. "You took forever."

"Well my class was upstairs and yours was downstairs." Richard said.

Chanel stared at him and finally said, "Well still, you should walk a little faster."

"Girl, just go and change into your practice clothes."

"Hehe okay." Chanel kissed Richard and walked to the girls' restroom.

I looked around and noticed a certain someone sitting at one of the tables playing on his Gameboy Advance. "Hey," I nudged Jacqueline nervously hoping she wouldn't get mad at me for asking her this, "do you remember that boy over there at that table?"

Jacqueline looked at Andrew and kind of frowned. "Oh, yeah I remember him."

"Isn't that Andrew?" Christopher asked.

I nodded and looked back at Jacqueline who was still kind of frowning. "Did I make you mad?" I asked feeling kind of worried.

"No, it's okay. It's just that I hoped that I never saw his face again after what I've been hearing from last year."

"What happened?" Richard asked.

Jacqueline lead us to a table....far away from Andrew. "So you guys know that I broke up with him for a reason right?" We all nodded and she continued. "Well, I've been noticing the things he's been doing lately. Whenever he finds out about a guy trying to get with me, he tries to like, do things to like....scare them off or something. I truly hate this behavior because now it really makes me feel like I can't date anybody else. I'm scared that he might even commit the worst crime ever committed to guys that I'm dating or dated."

Hearing that made me feel a little uneasy. Maybe that dream I had a few days ago might become a reality.

"So you're gonna do something about this right? You have to make sure Andrew doesn't end up killing Dwayne." Richard said.

"Don't say that now." I quickly said to him.

"Yes." Jacqueline put her hands on top of mine. "I'll try my best and make sure that nothing bad ever happens to you."

"Well Imma do the same thing back." I said softly. Jacqueline smiled which made me smile back. Her face was so cute I couldn't stop staring.

The PA system came on and woke me up from my trance. "At this time all art club students please report to the art room. All art club students please report to the art room."

"I have to go. Bye." Jacqueline kissed me and headed to the art room down the hall. I noticed Andrew staring at her as she walked past him. I was too mesmerized by Jackie's kiss that I didn't envy him about it.

"Awww, someone's love struck." Richard teased.

"You know what you got one more time." I laughed while blushing.

"It's okay Dwayne." Christopher said to me. "I know what it's like for Richard to tease me when I was love struck a long time ago."

"Hey it's my thing." Richard said with a smirk.

"Well what if we give you a taste of your own medicine?"

"Then oh well."

The PA system came on again. "At this time all soccer players please report to the soccer field. All soccer players please report to the soccer field."

Christopher got up. "I'll see y'all tomorrow."

Me and Richard both waved and sat quietly across from each other. "So...." I tried to start.

"Who knows what Andrew might do to you next?" Richard kind of teased.

"Don't say stuff like that. After what Jacqueline told us earlier I have to really watch out for him." I peeped over at Andrew who was putting his handheld in his backpack.

All of a sudden Richard changed the subject. "I'm not looking forward to choir today and I don't even know why."

I laughed as we both got up and walked to the choir room.


Me and Richard walked to the front of the school until I tripped over something and fell to the ground. I heard a laugh from behind me and saw Andrew.

"Hey man, that wasn't cool." Richard defended me.

"Shut up or I'll dump all the shit out your bookbag." Andrew shot back.

"Okay, now you're trying to test me." Richard began to walk towards him.

I heard a car horn from behind us. "Richard! Stop trying to fight that boy and come get in this car! We're in a hurry!" His mom yelled from the window.

Richard looked back at Andrew. "You lucky. You very very lucky." Then ran to the car, leaving me and Andrew alone.

He bent down and firmly grabbed my shoulder. "Like I said before, I'm watching you real hard. I won't let you take what's really mine." After hearing those words my anger started to boil inside me.

I had my courage to sucker punch him until I heard a voice. "Andrew!" Jacqueline ran up pushed him off of me. "What in the world are you doing to him?!"

"Oh, hey Jackie. We were just talking about um......video games, y'know." Andrew trembled.

Jacqueline crossed her arms. "You ain't fooling me. I saw you trying to do bad things to him and that's unacceptable. And don't call me Jackie."

We saw a car pull up hoping it was mine but it was Andrew's. "I'll see you later." He tried to hug her.

"Don't hug me." Jacqueline quickly pulled back. He sighed and walked to the car and did the 'I'm watching you' signal at me. Jacqueline helped me up. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah. I'm fine." I said while wiping my pants.

"I'm so sorry." Jacqueline apologized and hugged me.

"Why are you apologizing?" I asked.

She sighed and looked up at me. "Because of me and Andrew's break up, he's been going around terrorizing every boy that tries to date me, and I have to put you through this mess."

"Well, we should tell a teacher or somebody about this."

Jacqueline sighed again. "I'm just afraid they won't do nothing about it."

"Dwayne, let's go." I heard a voice call. I turned and saw Mom's car.

"I'll see you tomorrow." I kissed Jacqueline.

"See you tomorrow." Jacqueline kissed me back.

"So you do got a girlfriend, huh?" Mom asked.

"A-am I in trouble for it?" I asked nervously.

"Oh no." Mom answered. "You're growing up, you're at the age where you start liking girls and getting girlfriends. But if Ricky or JD gets a girlfriend then that's different."

I chuckled at her statement and enjoyed the rest of the ride home after a lowkey stressful Monday.

Dwayne's Middle School DaysOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora