The Birth of an Angel

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Mentions of abuse and sexual abuse.

As my eyes opened I blinked once, twice and even a third time as I failed to recognize the ceiling I was staring at or the bed I was laying on. I looked to my left and then to my right, "This is definitely not my tent. Where am i?" I thought as I examined the walls around me. I started to sit up but winced as pain pounded through my lower body. I pushed past the pain the best I could and sat up anyway. After I was sat up I took the blanket off my body to examine my legs to see what was causing the pain. To my surprise and great disturbance there was nothing that resembled a wound but what was there was a bloody and horrible excuse for clothing that seemed oddly familiar. I covered myself with the blanket and lied back down I thought it best not to move until I figured out what was causing the pain and the blood. As I closed my eyes I began to remember what had happened. The Wind rushing through my hair as I ran through the forest. Being chased by Ja kcar and captured and touched inappropriately by Somlen. Taken onto a ship and leaving my home. Being assaulted by Ja kcar. Everything, I remember it all. "Wait, assaulted..." I thought " No, That would explain the pain. But they couldn't have could they?" I tried to think of excuses as to why it was not possible. But the longer I began to think about it the more it became clear. "He raped me." One of my dear friends had told me that she had been date raped when she was a teen. She also told me what some of the side effects, almost all of them I had. I sobbed knowing my Innocence had been taken and that one day I would have to explain to my husband. That is, if I ever escaped this place. I sobbed more and cried out in pain as I remembered my family and friends back on earth. As my tears refused to fall any longer I sat up ignoring the pain in my body and soul. As I wiped the remains of my tears and studied the room I realized that this must be their patrol ship they were talking about. I slowly brought my legs over the side of the queen sized bed, once my feet were placed on the frozen floor. I looked to one side of the room and saw a plate with some sort of food and a glass with blood red liquid on a dresser of sorts. I painfully stood up and limped to where it was. Crying had made me thirsty so I reached for the glass first as a cautiously took a sip. It tasted better than I thought it would. It reminded me of pomegranate juice, sweet but had a kick. I was about to take another swig but before I could a voice said. " I see you like the innocent blood of the bebephorions we provided for u 'Angel'." The glass dropped from my grasp as I turned around frozen in fear and anger as I saw Ja kcar. The glass sadly did not shatter there for leaving me with no weapon. But I knew what happened the last time I tried to anger him so I stood there and death glared at him straight into his soul. It seemed to work as he looked away first and at the mess I made " Quiznack, u didn't have to make a mess. I was just kidding about the blood...or was I?" He chuckled darkly. I said nothing as I walked around the mess and went straight for the bed to cover and shield myself from Ja kcars gaze. But he had other plans as he roughly turned me around to face him. I looked anywhere but at him, but he wasn't having that as he forced me to look at him " I was hoping you were awake. You look delicious in that outfit the boys sure will love you with your full curves, long hair, brown eyes. The boys like women with meat on their bones so I think they'll be happy their not stuck with the piles of bones we have now." His paw caressed my face as he spoke. I flinched away from his hand "There are others?" I choked out "oh yes , your not the first 'Angel' we've got at least nine more out there." I desperately wanted to smack him but I again was reminded of what happened. I didn't want that so I instead tried to leave his grasp. But he moved quickly and had me by the throat before I could get any where. "Speaking of the guys and the bones. I wanted to show u around to your new... How should I put this. .. ah! I know, Hell." He said with a smirk as he dragged me out of the room into the blinding purple light. 'Theses guys sure love their purple.' I thought as he dragged me to who knows where. "Who are you people? Why am I here?" I asked seeing as I might as well get some answers. "We are the Galra.A very strong and powerful race that has enslaved most of the known universe." He said with a horrible smile. 'Full of your selves I see." I thought as he lead me to the door waiting for him to open it and answer my other question. He paused at the door and looked at me " You are here for our entertainment 'Angel'" he said as he open the door and dragged me into a room full of other Galran's as he called them? Along with a woman next to each of them. 'These must be the other slaves he was talking about' I thought. When we walked in they all turned to us. " This is our new Toy everyone." Ja kcar said to all of them. They all nodded their approval or stared. All except two,Galra and an alien girl about the age of 13 the same age as my little sister. He was beating her for some reason and she was crying in pain. With an strength I didn't knew I possessed I broke Ja kcars grip on my arm, "Stop! Stop it!" (A.N if anyone gets this reference please comment) I said as I ran to where they were. As he was about to slap her again I blocked him and pushed him back and he fell. I stood in front of the alien girl as the Galran I knocked over sat up. "Your Gonna pay for that you little Swaraht.!" He shouted angrily. "I'm willing to pay! I'm willing to pay for all of them if you leave them alone!" I shouted "Oh yeah?! What are you gonna pay with?! You have nothing! We took it all from you!" He shouted back at me "Your took many things from me. But there are many things I still have and that you can't take away from me!" "Like what Swaraht?!" He questioned "My voice. If you leave all of these women alone I will sing for you and take their 'punishment's'." I said knowing all of what would entail if they agreed. "Why?! Why would make such sacrifice for a alien and a race you dont even know what have they done for you?! What's in it for you?!" He questioned. The room was dead silent before I answered "Because My God did the same for me." . " N--" "Deal." Ja kcar interrupted. The Galran and I along with everyone in the room turned to Ja kcar. "She's gonna be more fun to play with anyway why not make it worth our while? She can entertain us with her voice, if it's as good as she thinks it is. Then entertain us in her room." As he turned to the other Galrans muttered their approval's the one I was arguing with hesitantly agreed. Ja kcar then turned to me.
"Guess you really are an 'Angel'."

A.N. I am so sorry my 'Little Z's'! (Yes that is your new nickname. Don't look at me like that, it's cute!) Its been exactly a month from the last time I posted. My excuse is that in the time of writing this I switched phones and during this process. I lost not once but twice! All I had written for this chapter. That on top of school being super duper busy.  I hope you all will forgive me.  Picture in this chapter and the last chapter are not mine. And I do not own Voltron. Have a wonderful day! God bless you all :3💖.

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