Part 00 - Prologue

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~Raine's POV~

I was awoken by a sudden and loud ringing.

My alarm clock.
It was telling me it's 6:20 am and that it's time to get up. I tiredly rolled over so I was facing the counter, reached out my arm and pressed the 'Snooze' button.

I unwillingly sat up and looked over to the chair that was on the other side of the bedside-counter with half-closed eyes. My work clothes lay tidily on it.

With a deep sigh, I forced myself up, getting slightly woozy still being half asleep. Shaking my head slightly I walked over to the chair, grabbed my clothes and went back to the bed, dropping them onto it. I plopped down on the bed next to the clothes and started changing...


...Finally done with the clothes, I sighed.

My job sucked, not only did I work all alone, but I barely earned anything.

I didn't really care about the 'alone' part since I didn't really like too much company. A bit of me kinda liked it that way, but sometimes it got lonely. It was more-so the payment. I could barely keep my apartment, but I managed.

I suddenly realized that I had gotten ready while I was daydreaming.
I looked over at the same clock that woke me up to check the time.

It read: '7:30'

'Wait- 7:30?! I'm gonna be late!'

I grabbed my bag which I always left on the small stool by the door and ran down the stairs, quickly changed my shoes, grabbed my coat and hat when I passed the coat rack, unlocked the door, went through and locked it.

I ran to my car which I had gotten as a gift from my oldest cousin. I fished out the car keys from the bag and unlocked it.

Jumping in I drove off towards work, trying to think of a believable excuse to tell my boss.

'Damn it, I had promised I wouldn't be late again...'


Finally making it to work, I jumped out of the car, locked it and hurried over to the entrance of my workplace.

I grabbed the door handle and opened the door, hurriedly walking in and closing it.

I looked around.

No one was around, except for the few faint voices coming from some of the rooms down the hallway.

I sighed in relief, I made it on time.


I walked down the right hallway towards my personal room which I hadn't even asked for.

Walking by the many closed doors to unused rooms, I finally notice the door with the familiar sign.

office of
Raine Walters

My office, room, or whatever you'd call this thing.

I grabbed the key to the door from a separate compartment on the side of my bag and unlocked the wooden door.

I proceeded with my usual tasks as the day went by slowly...


...I clicked 'send' and my work for the day was officially done with. I stood from the table, stretching. A few of my bones popped, pleasing me.

I turned off the computer, grabbed my bag and headed off back home...


...I face-planted my bed, groaning loudly into the sheets. I seriously can't take this job anymore.

An idea quickly bubbled up in my head and so I grasped my laptop from off of the bedside counter and got to work searching for something I could consider a reasonable job.


I had stopped searching as an ad caught my gaze, it was an advert for a place I used to love going to as a kid.

A smile overcame my lips as I clicked the ad, being too captivated by its colorful design.

As the page loaded I snickered at the lazily photoshopped background made up of badly cropped balloons and party accessories.

But the title in the middle of the page made a feeling of nostalgia bubble up inside me.

'Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria™'

After another moment of inspecting the title, I began scrolling down whilst keeping an eye out for anything of interest. But apparently, that wasn't necessary after all.

A post caught my attention and I couldn't help but both grin and get confused a little as I read what was written on it.

'Own your very own Freddy's location for the extra low price of $30'

'That cheap for an entire pizzeria?'

I looked under the title of the post hoping for more details and my eyebrow raised in confusion as all I found was a single sentence with a number at the end.

'If interested call this number:'

I stared at the line of numbers feeling intrigued. I could take the offer, call that number and get out of my trash job or I can just do nothing and then guilt myself every day about it.

With a sigh I decided on my probably life-changing choice:

'I'll just call the number and ask for details, if it's legit I'll take the offer.'

I grabbed my phone, putting in the number, then after a second of hesitation, I pressed call.

"Hello, this is Charlotte May, head of customer service, Afton Robotics, how may I assist you this fine afternoon?"


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