"Jaybird, I never thought that. I was mad with Bruce, he never told me. I found out in a way that wasn't pleasant, but I never hated you. I loved you, I almost killed myself so I could be with you! I hunted Joker, then confronted him alone.

I almost murdered him, I was so livid. He had taken you from me, I wanted him to pay. I beat him with a crowbar, I tortured him, and I was about ready to run him through with my bow staff. I only didn't because Bruce stopped me, he kept me from going too far." Dick said, and Jason just scoffed. Dick then ripped off his mask, and stared his brother in the eyes.

"I know you still remember what Bruce taught you, I know some part of you still loves us, a part that wants to come home." Dick said, then he wiped his eyes, and put his mask back on.

"You don't know anything!" Jason screamed, as he charged forward. He shot Dick in the shoulder, then punched him in the gut. Grabbing some hair, he forced his face to smash into the roof. Then he kicked Dick, and picked him up, and repeatedly punched him in the face.

"You know nothing! You have no clue what I've gone through! No idea what I've seen, felt, or even know! I was always not enough! Never good enough for him! Not compared to you, he praised you. Held you on a pedestal, and worshiped your very existence! I! Hate! You!" Jason screamed, and he didn't even realize that half of his brothers mask was ripped off.

"If you hate me, then why did you bother talking to me?" Dick Asked weakly, and Jason threw him across the roof. He took out his gun, and aimed it at Dicks head.

Nightwing, he struggled to sit up. But he managed, then he caught his breath for a second. Looking at his brother, Jason saw the pain his eyes held. He also saw they weren't as bright as before, and that they held endless exhaustion.

"Jaybird, I won't stop you. I can't hurt my little brother, I will gladly die. If it means you will be happy, just take care of the others. Bruce may not come back, something happened in space. I'm all they have left, I am not scared of death, just don't leave them with Gotham alone." Dick then gave his brother a slight smile, and Jason started shaking.

"Damn it! Why can't I pull the trigger?!?" He Cried out in frustration, he looked back at his brother. Something in his head just cleared, Jason gasped. He dropped the gun, and tore off his mask.

"I-I hurt you, I broke Bruce's only rule. I-I'm a monster." Jason Said, shaking, but Dick just softened his smile.

"No, you're my brother. My brother that was lost, Who was not himself. I love you Jaybird, and I meant every god damned word I said." Jason felt tears well up in his eyes, then Dick collapsed. Jason Saw the roof begin to crumble under him, and his eyes widened.

"No!" He screamed, as the roof gave under his brother. Dropping him to the ragging fire down below, Jason dove after him. He was able to catch him, then get them both to safety.

"Don't worry Dickie, I'm never gonna hurt you again." Jason whispered, as he ran off in the Gotham night with his older brother.

Flashback end....

Alfred looked extremely saddened, and Damien looked conflicted. Like he knew something, but couldn't quite place it. Jason turned his head, and gasped. Dicks vitals, they had rose. He stood up, and then felt for a pulse on his wrist. Jason nearly had a heart attack when he felt the hand move, and squeeze his own.

"Dick?" Jason Asked, Alfred and Damien approached the bed, Hope began to build in their stomachs. Slowly, his eyes opened.

"Hey Jaybird, What happened?" Dick Asked, his voice was groggy. His eyes were clear, but still dull cerulean blue.

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