8. Heat Signs

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8. Heat Signs

Harry's lips hugged Louis' in a rush. His tongue mingled with Louis and all he could do was whimper. Louis' hand in his hair gave him the confidence to straddle Louis' lap.

TV was long forgotten.

Before the interaction became heated, Louis' phone was ringing.

Harry stopped and looked away blushing as Louis grabbed his phone. Harry got up and went to use the restroom.

His thing...he called it... was hurting.

He bit his lip when he touched it and thought of snails. He thought hard, cringing at the thought of his grandma (of what he can remember) and it finally goes down.

He goes back to the hallway but stops when he hears his name,

"Yeah. Harry's here and he's fine. No need to lecture me again." Louis talked into his phone, pulling out some cookies he and Harry could snack on later. After they discuss what just happened.

Harry felt bad for eavesdropping but he couldn't help it.

"I know. I know. He can't know though," he continues, "He doesn't need to know because—well he— okay. Still no. But I can take it to her. Yeah—Yeah. She's alright. I guess I like her. I don't know— okay I need to go, Zayn. You're such a pain in the ass." Louis converses with Zayn and finally hangs up.

On the other side of the wall, Harry's panicking. He's also quite angry. His tail wriggles trying to figure out many things.

A) Louis doesn't want him to know about something?
B) He likes.. Eleanor?
C) Are both B and C connected?

Harry shakes his head, disbelieved. He thought Louis liked him not Eleanor. He bites his lip. What was Louis hiding?

Louis can be overprotective sometimes.

After about thirty seconds, Harry walks out as if just coming out of the restroom.

Louis is sitting on the couch with his legs wide open. A clear invitation for Harry to sit in between them.

Harry looks away and crosses his arms, sitting at the end.

Louis scoots closer to Harry, so Harry scoots all the way to the end.

The blue-eyed man exhales tiredly, "What is it this time?" Louis eyes Harry, whom now is enraged. Seriously, Harry's been pretty angry a lot lately...

Harry gets up and stands in front of Louis, "Why Louis lie to me?"

"About what?"

"About... not liking Eleanor."

"You seriously need to let that go. It's getting pretty annoying. I don't like her," Louis groaned loudly.

"LOU- YOU JUST SAID Y-YOU LIKED HER ON THE PHONE!" Harry exasperated. He waved his hands to gesture the phone conversation not too long ago.

"I don't like her. I just said that so Zayn could hang up. He was being really annoying and all i wanted to do was continue what we doing before." Louis confesses.

Harry pouts. "What about you not telling me something? You're hiding something from me."

"Eavesdropper, I see." Louis rolled his eyes.

"You're being really mean!" Harry said, ears high in alert. His tail wiggled in anticipation.

"You're being annoying!" Louis yelled back.

As soon as the words hit Harry's ears, Louis stands up to apologize. Harry tried to push back down but Louis is fast to grab his arms.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said that," Louis says, begging for Harry to sit back down.

Harry's whimpering. But only because he's actually hurt.

"Let Har- me go." Harry fights hard enough to be out of Louis' reach and goes to Louis' room.

"Harry don't be like this:" Louis follows him but the door is slammed in his face.

Louis thinks to himself that he screwed up. That he did.

He leans on the door and listens to Harry's silent cries into his pillows (who's probably going to scent his bed and room now).

"I'm really sorry Harry. I know i've said that a lot this past week but I honestly am."

"Then tell me what you're hiding from me..." Harry pauses, "A-Are you kicking me out?"

Louis answers quickly, "No! No. Never. I want to keep you as a matter of fact. As selfish as this sounds, but I want you to myself." The words travel through the door to the kitten's ears.

"Then what is it?"

"Zayn wanted to give weed to Eleanor and asked if you might want to try some. I told him no. And weed—it's a drug, which is bad."

"Oh," Harry wipes his cheeks.

"Yeah, and I don't like Eleanor. She's a bit too much at times, but she is a friend. However, I don't want her. I don't like like her." Louis smiled against the door, whispering the last sentence.

Harry grins. "So you-you like like me too?"

"Yeah. You're a bit to handle but I love every second of it. I was lonely and cooked meself some bad pancakes here and there. My house sometimes would be a mess too. It would seem abandoned even if I was here. But you make it home because you're- you." Louis says, smiling though every word he pushes out of his body.

He hears footsteps, and soon the door is opening, and arms are welcoming him in. "I-I-like like you too, Lou. Even though you're messy and a smart-ass (Louis pinches him for cussing), I still like like you. I like bring the mommy."

Louis' eats ring at the last word, "Mommy?"

Harry gasps, not realizing the words coming out of his mouth, "Sorry." He blushes now that Louis' soft gaze is traveling over his face, especially his lips.

"No its fine. So I'm daddy?" Louis chuckles, taking Harry by surprise.

Harry changes the topic because he feels blood rushing to regions they're not supposed to. "Wanna k-kiss again?"

Later that night, Harry and Louis laid in bed for the first time. They knew at this point, they had some types of feelings for each other. Harry laid on his side, and Louis behind him acting as the bigger spoon.

But something kept bugging Louis' brain. Harry has been cranky and a bit of mood swings. Harry's also been scenting everything. From the kitchen counters to the key holder in the living room.

Louis took out his phone and asked google questions he probably weren't ready for.

Hybrid acting cranky and scenting everything?

He clicked on the top article.

Hybrid Heats: What to expect.
When Hybrids are nearing their heat, they tend to do many actions, no matter what age. We've listed a few so you know what to expect.


Wait. Fuck, Louis thought, Harry's entering heat? He has been a bit cranky and has scent almost everything. He hasn't shown hunger signs -or horniness- or nesting.

If he wasn't now, he will soon. Louis panicked as he watched Harry's peaceful face sleep.

What was he going to do?

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