Chapter 6: How Do You Spell It? L-O-V-E?

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"We need to talk, big brother."

Said Shumiya with her petite blue eyes staring into mine as if my very soul was being seen through them. Her lips still chapped but glistering a bit on the side from drool. Her nose red from the coldness of the leftover winter. Her breath was panting as each time she attempted to breathe through her nose, it was clogged. She sniffs one more time before letting out a giant sneeze.


I offer her one of my shirts that were laying down on the ground for her to blow her nose with. As she blew hardly on the shirt, i got up from my bed and offered her my blanket.

"You waited here the whole night, didn't you? Thats bad you know, please never do that again. I would feel bad if you had gotten sick too."

I say as I exit the room.

"I'll get you something warm to eat, for now, lay down on the bed and rest."

I proceed to carry myself towards the kitchen where I was met with Miss Takoyi, preparing breakfast with Misaki.

"Good morning."

I said candidly.

Both of them turn around in shock.

"Kira-kun? You shouldn't be up this early. Come come, now go back to sleep."

Misaki says as she forcefully pushes me out of the kitchen. Fortunately, I was able to stand my ground against her force. For some reason, she was really against me working so early in the morning. I mean, I get where she's coming from but everyone has a job here at the dorm.

Though, knowing i cannot win against Misaki's persistence I willingly give in.

I obediently return to my room but as i do so, Naomi was standing there waiting for me with her hands crossed as she leaned against my room door.

"Hey, listen about last night......"

Her words mumurs off into the distance.

"Ah, don't worry about it. What you guys said was pretty much true. I'm a huge idiot."

I said trying to avoid the fact that she wanted to talk about her confession. Though, my face couldn't lie about how I truly felt. My expression was of embarrastment. I could barely hold in my laughter as my face continue turning bright red.

Naomi flips her red pony tails and walk away towards the kitchen. I guess she read my mind, huh?

As I return to my room, I found Shumiya still in the same state as before, out cold. I rearrange the blanket i had formerly put on to her as i sit down on my desk thinking about a new novel piece to write.






Ideas started scrambling my brains as I could barely keep up with my thinking. Thinking about the topics in my head however, I kept thinking back at the manga piece that Shumiya debuted from. It was the God amongst Gods.

The action scenes from the manga Battle Maiden: Shui Fen were almost effortlessly well portrayed. The way on how the artist managed to replicate the light novel series so well. From the magic circles to the sword fight scenes. All of them were depicted exactly on how the light-novel had said so. In the same light, Shumiya's novel writing skills are hardly compared to mine. Far. Far. Far superior.

As i kept flipping the pages or scrolling down the slides on the internet, every scene and every word kept me attached to the edge of my chair. At the final confession moment in her novel: Renai wa Subarashi: Oretachi no relationship da? I was practically moved to tears. The way how she wrote about the character's feelings were somehow relatable to someone who has not felt love before.

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