Chapter 1: The Girl in Rags

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Snow was falling heavily. It builds up on the ground, rising a feet about every 5 minutes. The cold winter blizzard forces me to pant heavily as my body temperature decreases drastically. As the blizzard subsides however, there i see it. I have finally reached the cafe. 

Damn those guys, requesting me to deliver drinks to them in this cold blizzard. Just because I'm their senpai, doesnt mean i have to do everything for them. 

I walk up to the shop and spot a young lady outside, covered with only rags that seemed to have never been washed. Her feet was red, i could tell since she was not wearing any shoes on her. I look up at her face, her pitch black hair, almost invisible to the night, extends to only about her shoulders. Her face, covered with dirt and her lips were chapped and dry.

She notices me and glances over. 


She says as she points towards the cafe's front door.

"Y-Yeah, if you want, i could get you something."

She pauses and stares at me for a few seconds. She then points at the order board from outside the cafe. She points through the glass door, but then,  puts her finger against the door while pointing, signalling that she really wanted the Matcha tea and suggested that i get it for her.

"Oh, you want the matcha? Sure. Why not you come in, its better inside, its way hotter too, better than staying out here right?"

I invite her inside but she shakes her head.

"I'm....okay.....don't feel a thing."

"If you say so....Just wait for me out here, I'll be out as soon as possible."

I proceed to enter into the cafe. I strip my jacket and wind-breaker. I walk up to the counter and proceed with my order.

"Two Cappucinos, 3 Americano's and 1 Milk Tea and 1 Matc- on second thought, make that 2 Matchas."

"Wow, thats quite an order, sir but i thought that the orphanage only had 7 members including a teacher?"

The cashier looks behind me at the front door as i point towards that direction.

"Alright, the usual, please, its for the orphanage!"

I proceed to walk myself over to the awaiting counter, where customers usually wait to pick up their orders.

"Working as hard as usual, i see."

I glance over to the open preparation station, i greet Mika, who is a friend of mine from middle school. She lives alone and is doing everything she can to sustain both her and her little brother. She works basically 24/7 to earn the money. Her parents were against her studying in Tokusei, saying that she could well extend her knowledge in another country. Though she managed to convince her parents somehow, her parents gave her a condition for living here, and that is if she can earn her own money, without her parents' help. For some reason, she never gave up on coming to Tokusei, ever since she heard that i would be transferring here.

"You too, Kira, picking up orders for the guys again? You really are quite the thoughtful person."

Her face blushes slightly as she proceeds back to work.

"Those guys really have me in a corner, i do their chores, clean the house, all they ever do is stay cooped up in their room."

"You do have it rough, huh?"

"Oh, and whats the extra Matcha for? A guest?"

"Well, of some sorts."

I point over to the front door.

The Winter Girl In RagsOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant