Famous Love

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Author POV

" Cut! " The director yelled once the scene of Jihun and Minseong looking at eachother lovingly in the eyes were perfected by the actors, Kim Taehyung and Park Jimin. They were shooting a k-drama.

" That's it for today guys! You guys are my favorite pair to work with! Don't tell the others! " As the director continue yelling about how well they did, Taehyung left the shooting area and started walking to the hotel they were staying at, ignoring anything anyone told him.

He had been shooting scenes for the drama in America.

When he entered the hotel room he was staying at, and immediatley started running towards his room, dropping everything he was holding behind him. As he entered the room, he saw what he was looking for. He ran towards his sleeping Jeon Jungkook, jumped on the bed, and hugged him.

Taehyung had fallen in love with the boy a few months ago when he accidently confused him for Jimin when he entered the meeting room in his company's building. Why was Jungkook there you might ask, well, he's a model for the company Taehyung is an actor and a model for. They started dating when Taehyung kissed Jungkook, obviously on accident because he was scared that if he asked, Jungkook would reject him. They were soon always glued to eachother whenever they had time.
(A/N: This can't be a good story without Taehyung being a model 😉)

" Who's this? " Jungkook asked sleepily as he turned around to face Taehyung.

" Babe, it's your one and only... "

" Tae Tae, " Jungkook finished the sentence as he rose his head to give Taehyung a loving kiss.

" How was the shooting toady? " Jungkook asked like he always did once Taehyung came back from filming.

" Like usual, now scoot over, I want to cuddle, " Taehyung said.

" You should first change Love, " Jungkook looked at Taehyung's clothes seeing that he was still wearing his clothes from earlier that morning when he went off to film some scenes with his co-star.

" Fine. But I'll be back, " And with that, Taehyung grabbed his pajamas and changed in the bathroom after realizing he hasn't used the bathroom in what felt like ages and went to go use it.

When he came back, Jungkook had made some room for him, but had already fallen asleep. Taehyung got on the bed as carefully as possible, not wanting to wake him up. Once he successfully made it, he pulled Jungkook closer to his chest. He had his chin resting on the top of his boyfriend's head, with his arms secured around Jungkook. He placed a small peck on Jungkook's soft brown hair. " Goodnight, Kookie. "


Taehyung had gone to go act for some more scenes the next morning without waking up Jungkook. The last scene though was pretty uncomfortable for Taehyung. The scene was the continuing part of the scene they shot the other day so Jihun (Taehyung) was going to finally kiss the love of his life, Minseong (Jimin).


" Minseong, " Jihun whispered almost inaudible as he placed his hand on Minseong's face.

" Shh, " Minseong hushed as they both leaned forward and kissed for a while.

" CUT! That was perfection you two! What did I ever do to deserve such actors?! " The director exclaims as he looks at staff for approval.

" I bet you liked it, " Jimin said with a nice big smirk.

" Yeah right, " Taehyung looked around at the staff and there, standing in Taehyung's sweater, was Jungkook, with an annoyed face.

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