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Emerson isn't quite three and already quite the young lady. A princess in her pretty pink dress and white Vans, she toddles right up to Dean, tugs on his sleeve, and holds her little hands up to him, wanting to be picked up. She settles in his lap with a pleased smile, eyes shimmering in content up at her mother, who is simply shaking her head at how spoiled her daughter is by her best friend.

"I see the queen has found her throne." Teri teases, reaching across Dean's leg to poke her daughter's side. "I think she's in your lap more than I was and I spent four years hanging off of you."

"Now, I have your mini-me hanging off of me. There are worse positions to be in, Teri." Dean drawls; a syrupy rasp that wraps around Teri much like his arms do, sometimes. "But I do have news."


"Apparently, I'm expecting my own mini-me." Dean smiles and it's full of excitement and a happiness, she doesn't remember ever seeing while he was with Mindy. "Samantha decided to inform me, today, that she is five months pregnant with my child."

The news feels like a slap to the face, but she covers it well. She's still married, it shouldn't hurt her so much that her best friend is finally getting the family he always talked about one day having. It shouldn't hurt but it does. Because, she wants that family with him, and now, she's losing him to someone else. Even though, she never really had him."

"Wh-what are you going - I mean - are you going to marry her?" she finally manages the painful question.

"No." Dean shakes his head, tilting his face into Emerson's hair. "She's too much like Mindy. I don't want to raise a kid, a son or daughter, in an environment that might convince them you have to stay in a toxic relationship, if there's a kid involved. No, I have the papers and the lawyer and I'm saving money. I'll be suing for full physical and legal custody."

"Do you not trust Samantha?" the knot in her stomach comes loose at that, but completely undone.

Dean nuzzles into Emerson's hair, again, and shakes his head. He can't even form words to explain how little he trusts Samantha Torres with a child. She is far too career and money oriented to even think about devoting the necessary time to raising a child properly. If it doesn't further her career and bring in a paycheck, she doesn't seem to take a vested interest in it.

"She's too into her career and where her next paycheck is coming from." Dean sighs, kissing the head beneath his chin. Emerson tilts back and smiles up at him, still perfectly content to stay in his arms and wait patiently for her lunch - which, Dean ordered before they arrived, because he knew they'd be a little late. "I want a good relationship with my kid, like I have with Emmie, here."

"You'll be a great father, Dean."

God knows, he's been one to her daughter. 

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