Stubborn and Jealous

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Emerson is five and Teri files.

The official documents for the dissolution of marriage lay on the counter. Their names scrawled across the top of each page; Teri Lynn Hatcher and Jon Frederick Tenney. A little further down, in regards to Emerson Rose Tenney, pay only what is appropriate in child support and joint custody.

Jon moved out the day after Emerson's fourth birthday party, deciding when he saw his wife with her former co-star turned best friend, that their marriage was over. It was simply a game of who would file first. There is also the matter of needing to be legally separated for so many days.

Like, she's done so many times before, Teri calls Dean; "I finally filed."

"I'm picking up Christopher. Pack a bag for you and Emerson. You're coming with me to Colorado." Dean is steadfast and assured over the phone. "We'll go to the ranch for a few days. I'll call my parents and make the arrangements."



The frosty January air of Colorado is different from the warm humidity of California and Teri shivers a little when it brushes the backs of her arms while she's retrieving a sleeping Christopher from the car-seat, while Dean carefully maneuvers Emerson out of hers.

"Shh, shh, shhh." she soothes him easily when the movement of leaving his careseat wakes him up just enough to make him fussy. "It's alright, now, baby."

The one-year-old settles onto her shoulder, sticking a thumb in his mouth, while the other hand grabs a fistful of Teri's shirt. Emerson is mumbling half-syllables in her sleep to a silently amused Dean, who is easing her back to a deeper sleep with a gentle hand on her back.

Sharon is waiting at the door, ushering them to the bedroom waiting for the kids. A toddler bed for Emerson and a crib for baby Christopher. The princess bed is everything Emerson loves but Dean can already sense a fight coming. The once exhausted little girl is waking up and he has a feeling, she won't be going to bed so easy. His suspicion is confirmed when she refuses to be tucked in;kicking the covers, and struggling to sit up in bed, even though it's well past her bedtime.

This might have been cute, a week ago when it happened because she was excited by his weekend stay at her house and wanted to disobey her Mom's firm bedtime rule, but after a long, exhaustive drive, Dean can't help but find it frustrating, and the sort of thing Teri would have sorted out with a word of warning.

But seeing as how she's currently soothing a cranky toddler and he doesn't want to disturb Christopher, he resigns himself to fixing the situation on his own and a stern, "Emerson Rose!" quickly gives her pause.

"I not tired!" her insistence belies her appearance; heavy, fluttering eyes, and constantly twirling her hair, the same traits he's seen in Teri more than once.

"Really?" Dean raises an eyebrow - both in skepticism, and at her reversion to baby talk. He suspects Christopher's presence is the reason for it. "That's why you fell asleep in the car? That's why you keep twirling your hair?"

"Papa Bear!" oh, she's good, with the pleading puppy eyes, and the adorable little pout, but Dean's had plenty of practice with Teri and without blinking, tucks the covers around her, and eases back to bed.

"No." Dean's firm tone leaves her no room for anymore pleading. "It is past your bedtime."

"But - "

"Emerson, I said it's time for bed." a final warning and she's angrily settling back onto the pillow, just as cranky and tired as baby Christopher would be if she woke him up with her thrashing and arguing. "Now, I'll see you in the morning. Goodnight, Eme."

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