- CHAPTER TWO: Your name -

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In Mark's office.

"What did he say?" Mark asked, pouring himself a glass of whiskey.

"The other day he was waiting for cargo at the Incheon container terminal. According to him, the guy who made the deal, trapped him. He showed up with several armed men. Sang Wook couldn't beat them, he got scared and ran away, leaving the 105kg cocaine and money in their hands." Jeno answered.

"Who are those guys! It's been two times they fuck us !!" Mark was irritated.

"I don't know, but if what he says is true, I think those bastards have a connection with the assassination of Mr. and Mrs. Lee 6 years ago." Yong Jae said seriously.

Mark stayed silent.

"Listen Mark, I know you think we eliminated this gang 3 years ago already, but I think that they're still there, in the south of the city, waiting for the right moment to attack. They should not be ignored Mark, they are there and we have to deal with them. "

It was always very hard for Mark to remember the death of his parents, and thinking that his enemies were still there, was making him mad. It was difficult to admit but he knew that his enemies would come back someday. And this day had already arrived.

"Sir, I also think that we must act as quickly as possible." Jeno said.

"Jeno, send men to investigate all the dealers in the neighborhoods around Incheon, and to the south, those bastards have to sell cocaine right now. "

"Understood." Jeno answered, and left the room.

"Yong Jae, try to find the man who was dealing with the transaction. "

Yong Jae nodded, when his phone rang. He walked out of the room, leaving Mark alone.

The latter sighed. Counterfeiting, drug trafficking, gangs, murder, gambling, extortion. It wasn't really a life for a 21 year old, but it was Mark's. He loosen up his tie, unbuttoned a few buttons on his shirt, and pulled up his sleeves, sitting at his desk. He put on his glasses, ran his hands over his hair, disturbing them a bit. He lit a cigarette, pulled out a file and began to study the monthly balance sheets of his properties, massaging his temple with one hand, his elbow on the desk. Like many others, the day had been exhausting. By thinking back, the only moment he had a good time, was with this prostitute. Mark chuckled a bit, before focusing on his work.

After a while, someone entered the room, Mark quickly looked up before returning his attention to the folder. It was Yong Jae.

"Mark, Mr Kim Byung Woo called me ... he needs our services again. "

" The deputy ? To launder money?" Mark asked, still focused on the files.

"Yeah. "

"Tell him we don't have the time, we have enough problems to settle right now." Mark sighed, patting his cigarette over the ashtray.

"That's what I told him, but he said that others had offered him their services. "

"Others ?!" Mark took off his glasses looking at Yong Jae, with a frown.

"He suggests we meet him at Lunapar tonight, to talk about it. "

"This fucking old man thinks he can take advantage of some "concurrence", to fuck us ...." Mark muttered, letting smoke escape from his mouth.

"Mark, I think it's our enemies who contacted him, he can tell us about them. "

" I think so too. Accept the meet, tonight 11:00 pm, we'll make him understand that there's no way to negotiate." Said Mark with a smirk.

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