Chapter 1

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(Your POV)

I slapped my two quarters on the counter in front of Mr. Weisel. He jumped a little. "One hundred papes for the lady." He shouted to Oscar Delancey, who was behind him. I took my stack and moved along to where some of the other newsies were gathering.

"Ay Fox!" Race called. They called me Fox for a reason you will see later. He had his ever present cigar hanging out of his mouth. "How much you wanna bet that you get into a fight today?"

"25 cents I don't." I smirked. I was known for getting into fights with newsies from the other boroughs.

"Deal." He said. We spit shook.

"Race, you really gotta stop placing bets every chance ya get." A voice behind us said. We turned around to see Jack.

"But I always win." Race retorted.

"You sure?" I said, snatching the cigar out of Race's mouth. "I' s thinkin' I might win." I placed the cigar in my mouth and took a long drag and blew the smoke in Race's face. I handed it back to him.

"What did I tell you?" A loud voice said from behind me. I turned around and looked up. It was Oscar Delancey.
"No smoking inside the gates."

"Will you let it slide, just this once?" I pleaded, batting my eyelashes. "For me?"

He paused for a moment. "Ok fine. Just this once." He said forcefully.

After he was out of earshot we all started giggling.

"It sure is useful to have a pretty goil 'round here." Jack laughed. I lightly punched him on the arm.

_________________(oh shit a time skip)

I was walking down the street, trying to sell my last pape. There was a group of men near the entrance of an alley I was walking by. They appeared to be drunk. One of them whistled at me.


I walked over to the dark alley and put on my most innocent face. "Buy my last pape?" I asked, batting my eyelashes.

"Of course." One of them said. As I walked nearer to them to give them the paper, I could smell beer. I kept my smile and he gave me TWO FREAKING QUARTERS!

"Thanks sir." I said, gratefully. I tried to walk away, but the greasy man grabbed my wrist.

"I gave you more than I had to." He drawled. "Now yous gotta do somethin for me..."

I turned around to face him. I stepped closer and looked up. I put my hand on the side of his greasy face.

"Is that a naked woman?!?!?" I said, pointing over his shoulder. He turned to look and I was off. By the time he turned around I was on the roof of the building over. That is why they call me Fox.

"Fuck!" The man yelled. "That's the last time I spend my money on a goil."

I chuckled. It worked every time. I traveled along the rooftops and dropped down in front of the Irving theater. I walked through the stage door and walked up the stairs and knocked on the door of Miss Medda's dressing room. She slowly opened the door.

"Hello Fox!" She said cheerfully. "I have some more makeup for you."

I cared very deeply about my appearance. I only wore brow powder and mascara. I also had a very complicated skin care routine. I stepped into the dressing room, admiring Medda's many glittery costumes.

"I've got you some more brow power and some nice smelling soap..." she said.

"Medda, yous the best." I said, kissing her cheek.

POV You Steal Spot's Cane (Spot Conlon x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now