Kahmunrah's Terror

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Just when Nathan thought it was the end for them, the sound of more glass breaking could be heard. The group looks up. Smashing through the glass, standing majestically in all his glory is the president of the United States Abe Lincoln himself...well a marbled version of him to clarify. The Horus's beaks fall open in shock.

Kahmunrah spits out Octavius who lands soaking wet on the floor covered in saliva. "Great Caesar's ghost, this day has been wrought with indignities." Octavius coughed. "I brought help, as was my charge."

For once fear is evident in Kahmunrah's eyes as he takes a step back. That image will forever be imprinted in Nathan's mind.

"What is that thing?"

"That is Abraham Lincoln, 14th President of the United States." Larry told him.

"16th." Abe and Nathan corrected him, looking up/down at one another in shock before laughing in unison. "Larry."

"Mr. President." Larry returned the nod, bowing in respect.

"What are you waiting for?!" Kahmunrah shouts in complete panic, frantically whipping around to his soldiers. "ATTACK!"

"Disgusting half-pigeons!" Lincoln scowled as the Horus's threw their spears at his marbled body only to fall to the ground with a clink after hitting him. Realizing that there was no hope in defeating him, the Horus's hauled ass out of the room going back from whence they came. Slamming the gate shut behind them leaving a very flabbergasted and angered Kahmunrah.

"Well...that's...just fabulous." Voice oozing with hate and vigor. Nathan arched an eyebrow as the so called 'older brother' throws himself a tantrum, kicking at his treasures even throwing a curse now and then. Seizing the opportunity, Larry and Nathan creep over to the gate and Nathan takes the tablet. Kahmunrah spotted this. "STOP HIM! Without the tablet, we have nothing."

Capone, Napoleon and Ivan all ordered their men to surround the duo. "Okay guys, think about this." Larry said with hesitation.

"Yeah...you really want to get your asses kicked?"

At the sound of a bugle, the two focus their attention at the entrance to the room. Standing in the doorway is Amelia and Custer leading the front along with Larry and Nathan's other friends from the American History museum, plus a few Smithsonian's taking part in the battle to come. Black and white WW two soldiers, the Thinker, the space monkey Able, Venus, the Cherubs...all are ready for battle.

"Well, my work here is done."

"WHAT?!" Larry and Nathan squeaked up at him. "You're done?!"

"Yeah don't tell me you're going to leave us hanging like this!" Nathan exclaimed, throwing his arms up in frustration at the president.

"Your diminutive Roman friend brought me here to even things up. I believe that now to be the case. It's a fair fight now Larry, young Nathan. And I've always been nothing if not fair. Fair Abe, that's what they called me."

""Fair Abe?" Nathan hissed through his teeth. "What kind of name is Fair Abe?! It doesn't have a ring to it at all!"

"'A house divided, Larry'. Remember: A house divided." Abe gave a tilt of his head, grinning as he finally makes his leave.

"Okay," Larry shook his head. "I told you the first time, that means nothing to me! That's like completely unhelpful advice!"

The battle soon began as the two armies charged at one another. "Lawernce! Nathaniel, I'm coming!" Octavius called.

"No! We've got this Oct, just go and help Jed." Nathan ordered.


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