Unfortunate Events

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Days had soon turned into months. Nathan soon realized how little he and Larry both stopped coming to the museum all together much to Nathan's chagrin. He had just been so swamped as of late with school work and preparing for high school graduation while Larry's 'Glow in the dark flashlight' business was really booming.

Despite all that was going on, he had made an attempt at the least to spend his nights at the museum. He had missed Ahkmenrah, Teddy, Jedediah, Octavius and the other exhibits deeply. The only time he left was the young Pharaoh ushering him out of the exhibit, demanding he go home and get some rest.

"Didn't know you were so dominate Ahk," Nathan had told him one night. A grin gracing over his face. "I think I like this side of you."

The flustered expression on Ahkmenrah's face was priceless.

One morning, as he was preparing for an upcoming test he got the dreaded phone call from Larry. "God...I'll be right there." He muttered, running a hand through his hair slipping his phone in his pocket letting out a slew of curses. It took him some hours (New York's traffic is God awful at rush hour), weaving his way through crowds and almost getting hit by a car due to being distracted did he finally arrive at his destination, startled, stopping in his tracks when he spotted a 'renovations' sign hung up.

"...The hell is going on?"

"Progress." McPhee's voice startled Nathan, turning to face the curator. The old exhibits are being replaced with technology and all the old ones are being sent to the federal archives." Dr. McPhee explained.

"B-But...But they can't do that! I mean these guys have been around for so long, you can't just up and toss them aside like they're worthless!" Nathan argued, feeling his stomach churn. What if he couldn't see Teddy again? Or Sacagawea? Or Ahkmenrah? Hell, even Dexter he'd miss like crazy.

"I'm afraid I have no choice son," McPhee replied. "Most people...simply don't care for mere exhibits. Virtual reality is what's 'hip' as you young people say." He did the air quotations at the word before taking his leave not before telling him Larry was still waiting for his arrival.

The younger male pushed his way through the doors, pursing his lips at the boxes with the exhibits locked inside letting out a heavy sigh glancing over at the former night guard. "Great. What're we going to do about this?"

"Just wait a minute Nate...it's almost sun down." They both shared a grin as the sun finally began to set. The Golden Tablet shined brilliantly in the Egyptian exhibit. It wasn't long before Larry and Nathan felt something behind them, turning around to find the giant, skeletal T-Rex nuzzling their shoulders. "Rexy. Aw hey boy how are ya?" Larry couldn't help but coo rubbing the creature's head.

One by one other exhibits began to come to life. The same, enchanted feeling darted through Nathan's body having that very same emotion he held the first time he witnessed such events (well minus that outright petrifying fear that is) before him.

"Lawrence! Good to see you, lad!" Teddy grinned as he rode Texas towards the former night guard, extending his hand towards the man who landed upon some matts after being tossed through the air by Rexy.

Larry grabbed the presidents hand giving it a firm shake. "Yeah, you too Teddy."

"Nathaniel! My haven't you grown up," Teddy exclaimed, roaring with laughter as he bent down to shake the other male's hand earning a laugh from him. "Have you gotten taller?"

"Aw Teddy you're making me blush." Nathan joked, laughing in a sheepish manner.

"Yeah seriously. You grew about...what an inch?" Larry joked, joining in on the laughter when the younger male made an attempt to punch his shoulder.

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