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Larry and Amelia ducked behind a vase, far from sight of the French soldiers passing by. Nathan found shelter by hiding around a corner. Completely concealed from sight. Though short as he was, people often forget how frightening of a man Napoleon Bonaparte was in his time.

"Move. Or you die."

Slowly did he raise his hands, walking forward by force towards the French leader. "You are now my prisoners, s'il vous plait." He placed his hand on the hilt of his sword, though no actual sword was in its sheathen. "Oh merde." Napoleon frowned, frustrated upon this.

Nathan could not hide the smile, that formed upon his face.

"Aw, just found out it's fake short stuff?"

"I'm five foot! That is an average height, for a man!"

"Actually, it's six foot." Nathan snickered. One thing to note, he never knows when to stop.

A huff escaped Napoleon, shooting a glare his way. "Well...you're one to talk. We're the same."

At that moment, Larry knew this was a distraction. He gestured Amelia to follow, creeping behind Nathan. But they did not get far enough. "You little..." Nathan began to bit out, his blood burned when Napoleon smirked.

"Now, if the happy family will follow me."


Kahmunrah made an absolute mess out of the lobby area. He stood upon a mountain of gold and diamonds, as though he still ruled Egypt.

"These are not real rubies at all," he drawled. Studying the famous pair of ruby slippers, in The Wizard of Oz. Tossing the pair carelessly aside. "What a disappointment. But I thank you, Archie Bunker. For your chair is quite cozy enough."

"As you requested, my King." His slave's voice echoed, from below.

"Whatta you want, King Tut?" Jedediah spat from his prison. A bird cage, perfect for his size.

"Oh please, Tut was an idiot, nothing more than a preening adolescent. I assure you, if he hadn't been unearthed at the right time, no one ever would've uttered his catchy little name." Kahmunrah halted his rambles.

Nathan looked towards his friend and almost gasped. "Jed...oh no," he whispered.

"Don't worry, we'll get him out." Larry's eyes narrow at his sudden snort. "What's with that?"

"Oh nothing. Nothing at all."

Larry knew Nathan though, perhaps more so as if he were his own son. Amelia did not even utter one word, sensing the high tension. Keeping her distance for now.

"I'll take this, thank you." Kahmunrah gleamed at once, when he held 'his' tablet. "Oh my precious tablet. We've reunited..."

Nathan bit his inside cheek. So much wanting to say 'It's Ahkmenrah's'. Ivan the Terrible and Al Capone looked at one another. Confusion on each face.

"So?" Capone asked.

"So? This is the thingy we need to take over the world. This isn't just some run-of-the-mill slab of gold that magically brings things to life. This is a key. My key, to world domination. For ten generations, my family were the keepers of the Gate to the world of the dead. And on the other side of that gate, The Horus: the all powerful army of the underworld."

He pointed towards the Gate. "An undefeatable and immortal army, waiting for my command, to arise and destroy everything in its path."

"You're a madman." Amelia piped.

Kahmunrah arched his eyebrow, her way. "I'm sorry? Who is this?"

"Amelia," Amelia said. "Amelia Earh-"

"Okay that is enough for now," he waved his hand in a dismissive fashion. A smile the likes Nathan had not seen, crossed his face. His eyes were even different, then Ahk's. "Mak, keter om. Om neter kah..." Kahmunrah muttered aloud. Turning the tablet's squares. "And now, after 3,000 years, my evil army of the damned, shall...be..UNLEASHED!"

Nothing occurred. "...That's it?" Nathan muttered.

The pharaoh scoffed. "J-Just a moment...any minute now."

Silence once more. "Oh, for the love of Isis..." he stomped his foot, much like a child would. "Heh, it appears, mother and father have changed the combination on me." He points to Larry. "YOU. Larry, of Daley Devices will help me uncover its code!"

"I...What?" he gaped. "I'm NOT working for you."

"Oh but you will, if you wish for your friend to live." Jedediah was plucked from his cage, squirming in the pharaoh's hold and dropped into an hour glass.

"Hey, listen Kahmun-noodle, you will not lay one hair on his head-!" Nathan hollered, finding his own anger a shock. I can't let Octavius down. I promised for him personally, to stay at Jedediah's side if he can't be there

But Kahmunrah's word was law, around here. They did not have a choice.

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