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5. Iris has an eating disorder

She knows I know because I walked in the bathroom when she had her fingers down her throat... She never asked me not to tell anyone, but I know she doesn't want to go back to another 'Hospital', so I've never told... She thinks she's fat, but she weighs 160...

Is that fat?

I don't know... but she hates herself just like me... I know she self harms also... I never told anyone though... but I saw the way she kept pulling at we sleeves, and the way she always wore her watch and a rubber band in the same spot, and how she would always stare at something sharp just a little too long for comfort, and how she would always glance at my wrists to 'make sure I'm doing better'...

She's not as smart as she acts though, she never checks my legs or my stomach...

I'm glad she doesn't though because she'd go hurt herself again because she couldn't protect me...

Bu maybe that's iris's problem..

She doesn't realize you can't save someone from themself... They have to save themselves, and maybe I'm just not ready to pull myself out of the ocean of depression... I wasn't ready yesterday, I'm not ready today, and most likely, I won't be ready tomorrow... Sorry, Iris....

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