Chapter 13

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Kristoff POV

I hate Hans.

But I'm also mad at Anna. How could she not tell me about her powers? How long has she had them for?

I was going to get answers. But from Hans.

He was the only one who had the answers. And he would probably be beaten up, because he did something.

~ two hours later ~

I wander through the entire kingdom, and there he is.

Sitting by the docks, watching the water.

"Hey! You!" I shout at him.

"Oh, hello, Kristoff, right?" he asks like he doesn't already know.

"I'm just gonna cut to the point here. What did you do to Anna? Is that why she was missing yesterday?"

"Indeed. This was all part of my plan. She will never be the same again. She has been cursed, and it can't be broken.

So now she is a fire raging monster that can't be stopped, and she can burn down all of Arendelle. She can hurt people. You see, Kristoff, after Anna and Elsa ruined my plans, all I want to do now is have them gone, all of Arendelle gone. I want to be king. And if I can't have that, they shouldn't! Nobody should!" He was very angry.

He continued, "And if you tell anybody about this conversation, I will make your happiness vanish. I should get going."

Then he vanished. So he or somebody else must've cast the curse.

Oh I hope Anna comes home. I love her so much that I couldn't bear to lose her.

The minute I propose to her, she says yes, but she vanishes.

All I want is for her to be safe.

Please Anna, come home.

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