Chapter 17

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Words like this are Ryous thoughts.

So, internships. In other words: time-when-you- acually-have-to-communicate-with-other-people-that-you-wish-were-dead. Great.

Ryou pondered for a while who he should intern with, and ended up choosing various hospitals instead of hero agencies. It was important for him to explore every aspect of his quirk, and that would only be possible if he even tried.

So the first hospital he would intern at would be in a small city a few hours away from the school.

Ryou arrived at the train station with Izuku and they all met up with Mr Aizawa. He went over the rules of internships yadda yadda yadda.

I want to leave and get this over with.

In the end, he bid his farewells to Izuku and his class when his train was the first to arrive.

He patted Izukus head much to the boys dismay and began walking away.

"Bye Mydoria!"

"See ya Ryou!"

He turned to wave at at the rest of the class, meaning he waved at everyone with a straight face and gave the bird at Bakago with a smirk. Oh the love.(not)

He got on his train and relaxed on his chair.

This is going to take a while so just relax.


I was telling myself, but you can count it if you want Yumma.

Ever since the little argument the dragons had over the hero name, Yumma seemed more controlled. It must have something to do with Ryous hormones too.

Big-ass timeskip to four days later~

Ryou was once again back on the train on his way to Hosu City, his backpack and hero suit case resting on his feet. On his lap he had a small cat carrier and inside was V in her small form. Ryou just found it easier this way to have her around instead of summoning her.

After spending the last few days interning in different hospitals, Ryou became known as the wandering intern. He spent roughly a day in one hospital learning as much as he could and left that same afternoon to a different city and different hospital. He stayed up late going over everytging he learned, and even had the chance to practice some on certain patients. It was very tiring, but the product of his studying and learning was great.

I am so tired, its not even funny. Also, recently my eyes have been acting up. I need to get them checked.

The afternoon sun shone over the City of Hosu when the train began to arrive. It was bathed in different shades of yellows and oranges and pinks, it looked like a scene in a carefully crafted painting.

If only it was as calm as it looks.

The day before that, Ryou got a call from his mother balling her eyes out. She told him what happened in Hosu with Izuku and the Hero Killer. Ryou wasnt going to lie; he felt a strange pang in his heart listening to the broken words and sobs of his mom. He was also worried about Izuku.

Master, are you okay?

Hm? Oh yeah, I'm fine just a bit tired.

Ryous quirk is strong, some might even say OP. It has no drawbacks, and if he wanted to, he could rule over the world. Defeating all the heroes would be like stepping on an ant.

But, Ryou is still human. In the end, if he is pushed enough, he would get tired and exhausted. He still has feelings, and with or without the most powerful quirk in the Universe, he is still going to grow, live, and die. That is one thing the Universe didnt gift to him: immortality. And a body that could resist any basic needs.

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