Chapter 28

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Before I start, I want to give special thanks to all of you for being so supportive. I feel a bit better now, thanks so much!!!!

Specially to



Thank you for your kind words.

Words like this are Ryous thoughts.

Class 1-A was eating dinner that the heroes created. Everyone was eating like they were starved animals. Ryou ate as slowley as possible, savoring the rich flavored food.

That looks delicious.

It is.

I want some!

V appeared on Ryos lap, already looking at him with expecting eyes.


Giving her food until she was satisfied, he enjoyed the evening.

After dinner, everyone headed to the hot springs. Unfortunatly, the girls side was just on the other side of a thin wall. This gave a chance for Mineta to want to climb it to peek.

"Just imagine! All the......." He didnt even finish his sentence because he was drooling.

Thats the kind of face I make when imagine cheese sticks and lettuce.

What a weird perv.

I hate guys like that. Dont ever be like him Ryou.

I dont plan to Ren.

Ryou sat on the farthest side of the spring, observing as everything went down. But suddenly, Kaminari thought it would be a good idea to 'sneak up' on him and 'surprise' him. It was obvious he didnt learn his lesson at the pool.

Approaching Ryou, only half of his face was above water.

"You do know I can see you right?" Ryou gave him a 'you are stupid' look. By this time, everyone was looking at them, even Mineta, feeling bad for pikachu and preparing his funneral as well.

When he was close enough, he sealed his fate. He splashed water on Ryou, but missed. Big time. Only a few drops of water fell on the black haired boy.

"Fucc you." Ryou grabbed his head and made sure Denki was completly underwater. (Purposely misspelled that for innocent minds)

"Midorya! He didnt even get you!" Iida tried to make him stop, while the others were snickering at Kaminari.

"But he thought it." He lifted the victim out of the water enough time to catch his breath and plundged him underneith again.

Once the revenge was over, Denki was far away from Ryou, his soul leaving his body. Sadly, Mineta was at it again with 'peeking'.

"I'm out then." Ryou got up to leave.

"Why so early?"

"If I stay, I'll end up doing the same thing I did to Kaminari to Mineta."

That was a good enough reason for him to leave early. He went to the dorm and dressed in something comfortable.

Ryou, lets go take a walk!

But I was-


...... fine.

So he got up and grabbed his earbuds and phone. Although they were far from wifi, Ryou came prepared with downloaded songs.

He sneaked out of the building and walked to the now dark forest.

"Alright come out. Do whatever you want as long as you're quiet."

Everyone came out, acting like small puppies when they were six meter tall dragons. They ran into the forest, Ryou following closely behind.

"Ah wait, I forgot my portable charger." Ryou stared at the screen, showing 20% of battery.

"Yeah, Imma need it. I'll come back, Hayato is in charge now. Behave please."

Ryou didnt give them time to protest as he turned back. As he entered the dorms he saw it was empty.

They must still be at the springs.

He grabbed his charger from his bag and walked out. As he neared the lobby, he heard voices. Being the person he is, he was going to turn and use another door, but he heard Izukus voice.

Its none of my buisness.

He shrugged and began walking.........towards the noise.

But it doesnt hurt to check. (Totally not me..... hehe)

He made it to the lobby and was surprised and slightly disturbed to see his brother standing there, DRIPPING wet from barley getting out of the spring, with only a TOWEL around his waist.

Kota, the small boy the punched Izuku in the balls, was laying on the couch, apparently passed out.

"What happened?" Ryous presence seemed to surprise everyone in the room. He had gotten there so quietly they didn't notice.

"Ah, he fell of the wall." Izuku simply stated, still not used to Ryou sneaking up on people.

Giving a nod in response, he walked closer as one of the Pussy Cats explained why Kota hated heroes so much. His parents died in the line of duty, and he didn't take it well.

"Although they died with honor, Kota was so young when it happened, so when people told him they died as heroes, he didn't understand. That's why he keeps a sort of hate towards them. And when I try to explain to him, he doesn't want to listen."

Ryou kneeled down to look at the boys face. Although he was knocked out, the sadness was visible.

So young and already exposed to reality.

"Well that's no wonder." He got up and faced the confused heroes.

"What do you mean?"

"This kid doesn't understand why his parents died because he hasn't felt it before."

"Felt what?"

Ryou almost rolled his eyes.

"Felt actually being saved by a hero. He doesn't know how it feels when someone, a complete stranger gives their life for him. Yes, in many peoples eyes his parents died with honor, but in his eyes that isn't the case." He pointed at the boy. "He won't understand until he experiences it first hand. So don't force him to."

Saying all he needed and seeing it was quiet, Ryou opted to leave. And as he began walking away, he stopped.

"And remember, death isn't the opposite of life, but part of it. In your story we could be villains, but in ours we are heroes."

He left with those words, and everyone in the room was confused as to who he directed them towards.

But a pair of ears that belonged to a small boy who was "passed out" on the couch were listening intently.

Total: 1017. Next update on Thursday. THANKS FOR READING!!!

The Universe's Sin (My Hero Academia× Male Reader)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt