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"There in the tree" someone yelled

"everyone get to there posts" Bellamy screamed

I watched as Bellamy grabbed a gun and headed to a spot on the front wall. Finn had tried to get them to stop but finally gave up, taking his spot as well. I wasn't ready to fight yet, how am I going to keep the baby safe? I can't tell anyone about it because then Bellamy would not let me fight and even if I don't want to It's my job to keep them safe. I had been standing in the dropship when Finn walked in.

"What's the holdup princess?"


I snapped out of my daze. It took me a sec to think about what I was supposed to do.

3 hours later

The teens were getting fidgety. There had been no sign of a grounder in the past 3 hours and people were getting tired. It had been raining for a while now and some had gone inside the dropship. I was about to go get food when I heard yelling from outside the camp. I looked out a gun hole in the fence. 300 or more grounders were heading toward us with there sords and spears held out.

"Gounders" someone yelled

Then came the gunshots. I jumped to my feet I had to find Bellamy. There were people everywhere the grounders had gotten into the camp. No matter how hard I tried I could not find Bellamy. I tried my best to help the wounded but there were so many. I was checking an arrow wound when something hit me from behind. I turned around and was punched in the face by a grounder. He hit me hard in the stomach there was a shot of pain. Then he hit again. I thought he was going to kill me and the baby. There was a gunshot that rang in the air and hit the target. The man fell on me his head had a bullet hole in it. I pushed him off and looked for the person that saved my life. Octavia stood close looking at me for a few seconds then an arrow hit her leg. I shot up and ran up to her but Lincoln was there before me helping her up.

"I will take her somewhere safe" he yelled over the loud screaming
I nodded my head and he was off. War went on around me as I limped to the dropship when I got inside it was crazy. Blood was everywhere. Reaven was on the floor holding her leg.

"What happened?" I asked

"I got shot"

"By who"

She looked at me with a dark look and deep down I knew who did it.

"They are overrunning us, Clark, we need to bring out the bomb"

There was no time to look at her leg. I ran out and started calling them to the dropship going around telling them its time. I found Jasper in the mix

"Jasper come here"


"Raven is hurt she needs your help"

Jasper nodded and headed to the dropship.

10 min time skip

After 10 min of running around and somehow not getting hit, they had all been ship to the dropship. I walked in the ship was packed Reaven and Jasper lay on the ground ready to blow the bomb. I looked around for Bellamy, and Octavia but none of them were there.

"We're is Octavia I yelled"

"She left with Lincoln" Somone yelled

"And Bellamy?"

Someone grabbed my shoulder

"Finn have you seen..."

But he cut me off mid-talk, out of the corner of my eye Bellamy was still fighting three grounders around him.

"I have to help him" but before I could move Finn was there taking his gun in hand. When he reached Bellamy. The fight went on but for every grounder, they killed another one took its place.

"Clark we have to close the doors"

"I can't leave them out there"

"Clark you have to do what's best for the many, not the few"

Clarke's finger hovered over the button how was she supposed to kill the father of her baby. She slowly pushes the button and as the door closes she locked eyes with Bellamy a tear forming in her eye. Once the dropship door clicked I nodded at Raven and she set off the bomb.


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