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I hadn't slept for long and when I woke everyone was still in bed. This is a great time to look but when I tried to open the door it was locked!! I knew It!! there was no way they would just let us do what we want. I knocked on the door and to my surprised somebody actually open it. There was one guard which was the one who opened the door. The dining hall is down the hall and to the left the president has planned a great meal for you and your people. I walk down the hall but instead of going left, I went right when the guard wasn't looking. I was met with another long hall. reached the first door of the hall on my right. The door was locked so I moved on to the next one still locked they all were. The door at the end of the hall was the only one not locked I reached for the nob 

"Hey what are you doing"

It was the guard from before 

"Are you deaf I said they left"

"Oh sorry I guess I wasn't paying attention"

I forced a weak smile and the guard rolled his eyes. He knew I was lying but chose to say nothing as we walked to the dining hall.  

Most of my people were already there but also the people that lived in the mountain were there all together mixed in with my people it almost looked like we were part of them, but I knew better it's just too good to be true but I wish I were wrong we have all been to hell and back and would be nice to have a break. 

"Oh my god, Clark you have to try this!!"

Jasper stood in front of me with a plate with something Ive only seen in books 

"Is that cake??!!"

"Yes and it's so good, take some"

I was going to tell him that he can have it, but the president was watching me and I realized that he knew I would be the most decorous, and my attitude to this whole thing is not helping me fit in I needed to act like my guard was down, and that I trusted them. I took the fork and put a piece of cake in my mouth and it was amazing I believe I almost passed this up. After we had all sat down at a long table with their people mixed with mine I spoke 

"So there no one else out there? no more of our people" I was looking at the president as I spoke"

He shook his head 

"We looked all over but all we found were body's" he stopped for a moment 

"you did good fighting agist the grounders "

The rest of the day drug on. The others looked like they were enjoying themselves but how could I when there still a chance he's still out there. I won't believe he's gone until I see it, I want my baby to grow up with their father or at least meet him. I have to get out of here and soon. After everyone had gone to bed I made my way to the door but it was locked again.  How was I suppose to get... The door clicked and open to see jasper. He jumped when he saw me 

"Jasper, what are you doing?"

"Well I was hanging out with someone"

He wouldn't tell who but I had a feeling it was the girl I had in my hold just days ago.

I slip out the door before he could ask me anything and locked it.   

The hallway was dimed by the low light but I could still see all the beautiful paintings the covered the walls as I walked to the unlocked door.  I slowly opened it and what I saw was crazy. The room was small with a bed in the middle of the room. Laying in the bed was a young man I had never seen before but he was dead? I stepped a little closer to see a bullet hole right between his eyes. 

"What are you doing up??"

The voice made me jump, the guard that I had seen this morning was standing in the doorway.

"what happen to this man?" I asked 

"It was grounders now let's go back"

The guard went for my arm but I pushed it away and looked him in his eyes. The man flinched at my sudden anger 

"Gounders don't use guns, you liar!!" 

The man went for his gun but I was faster jumping on him, knocking him to the ground. I took the gun fun his holster and there was a loud bang as the man became motionless. My bare feet hit the cold floor trying to make as little noise as possible but the problem was I had no idea how to get out. I turned right then left then right again until I ended up seeing what I could not believe.  There were cages everywhere and inside them were grounder., but why would they do this? 

"Help us please"

They all were begging me to help them but how? There were too many to let them out in time. 

"Clark is that you?"

It came from the cage to my left and I couldn't believe who I saw. 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 10, 2021 ⏰

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