Ross- But you

Laura- You really wanna finish that sentence

Ross- I give up

Ellen- Alright moving on, presents

Rochelle- Yay

I help Laura up and we walk into the Family Room and sit down while she opens all her presents.

~Birthday Party~ (3:00pm)

All the kids were playing in one part of the backyard and everyone from the kitchen this morning were sat in a huge group talking. The children's parents were picking there children up later.

Alexa- So I go to jump off the..

Rochelle comes running over.

Rochelle- Daddy?

Ross- Yeah?

Rochelle- Emilie isn't letting us on the bouncy castle

Ross- Alright I'm coming

I put down my drink and stand up.

Ross- Sorry Alexa

Alexa- It's fine

I walk away. I walk back minutes later and sit down.

Laura- Ya sort it out?

Ross- Yeah

Alexa- Back to the story

~4 hours later~

We were now all sat outside. My family, her family, Alexa, Savannah, Ellington, Rochelle, me and Laua. We were having a family barbecue and all the other children had gone. We were all sat around talking while my dad and Damian did the barbecueing. Rochelle was on the grass playing with her dolls.

Ross- Looks like that baby won't be born today

Laura- Thank god, I'm just happy that it's not gonna be born on.. Oh oh

Ross- What?

Laua- Yeah ya know that ya said it looks like it won't be born today?

Ross- Yeah

Laura- Yeah I think you were wrong, my water just broke

Ross- What? Oh god right Dad get the van, to the hospital we go

Laura- Seriously Ross?

Ross- Do you wanna stand around here and talk or go have a baby?

Laura- The baby

Ross- Yeah

I put in the van. Everyone gets in including Rochelle.

Rochelle- Where are we going?

Laura- Well, I'm so sorry to ruin your birthday but the baby is being born today

Rochelle- Why are you sorry? It's the best Birthday present ever!

Ross- Really?

Rochelle- Yeah, I'm getting a brother on my birthday

Laura- Thank god, that makes me feel better

We drove to the hospital and got out. I went to the desk with Ellen.

Ellen- Hi, my daughter is in labour over there

Women- Ok

Minutes later a doctor came rushing in and wheeled her off. I waited for hours.

Stormie- I can't believe that anytime now we could grandparents again Ellen

Ellen- I know

Ross- (whispers) I'm gonna be a dad again

Mark- Just hitting ya?

Ross- No I mean obviously I feel like a dad already because of Rochelle but I never would of thought that I'd have two children

Stormie- Well you do or I guess will

Doctor- No he does

We look up to see him stood there with a baby in his arms. I stand up and he passes him to me.

Doctor- Very carefully, would you like to follow me to Miss Marano's room

We followed him and I still had him in my arms. We go in and I sit down on the chair next to Laura and everyone else sat down.

Ross- Where's Rochelle?

Rochelle- Here

Ross- Come here a sec

Rochelle- Ok

She walked over to me. She looked at the baby.

Rochelle- Who's that?

Ross- He is your brother, your a big sister

Rochelle- Am I?

Ross- Yeah you sure are and I'm sorry to have to spend your birthday in a hospital

Rochelle- It's ok

Suddenly Laura wakes up. She sees him.

Laura- What name?

Ross- Ryan?

Laura- That's nice, Ryan Lynch

Ross- Yeah, Yeah I like that

Laura- Well then I guess it's time to say....


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