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essydeaton: can you believe calum's going to emo nite with us

astroash: uh
astroash: yes


astroash: 😂😂

essydeaton: speaking of calum
essydeaton: have you told him yet?

astroash: told him what

essydeaton: idk, the fact that you still have feelings for your ex boyfriend who happens to be his very best friend

astroash: oh
astroash: yeah
astroash: i have not

essydeaton: seriously

astroash: dude he's going to hate me

essydeaton: it's better than lying to him 🤷🏻‍♀️

astroash: i know
astroash: and anyway
astroash: luke and i haven't talked in a little bit
astroash: i think i'm good

essydeaton: uh huh

astroash: i mean
astroash: i'm not good in slightest
astroash: my life is a mESS
astroash: but i think i'm good on the luke front
astroash: i'm okay

essydeaton: mhm

astroash: don't give me that

essydeaton: ☕️
essydeaton: are you just lying to me to make me happy?

astroash: no
astroash: seriously
astroash: i care about calum a lot
astroash: i'm trying here
astroash: i don't want to hurt him
astroash: i'm dealing with everything that happened with luke
astroash: really dealing with it now
astroash: and i'm okay

essydeaton: alright
essydeaton: i believe you

astroash: good

essydeaton: if you need to talk you know where i live

astroash: okay 😂

essydeaton: go kiss your boyfriend 😪

astroash: don't have to tell me twice 🤤


calumhizzle: hi

astroash: hello baby

calumhizzle: hssjsjdhsj💞💞💞💞💞

astroash: you know i'm like, downstairs,
astroash: right

calumhizzle: yeah
calumhizzle: but your bed is comfy
calumhizzle: i'm staying here

astroash: 😂😂okay
astroash: do you need time to bring you anything, my bedbug

calumhizzle: hmygodhsj
calumhizzle: no
calumhizzle: i might want to kiss you in a few minutes tho

astroash: okay
astroash: i'm down for that

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