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calumhizzle: you know we're gonna meet in 5 days and we still haven't actually /talked/ to each other

astroash: and

calumhizzle: let's facetime

astroash: ughhhhh

calumhizzle: pleaseeeeee

astroash: I look like shit tho

calumhizzle: that's okay
calumhizzle: I'll think you're cute anyway

astroash: no you won't

calumhizzle: yes I will

astroash: no

calumhizzle: okay what if I give you an hour to look even cuter /if that's even possible/

astroash: fine

calumhizzle: yayyyyyy
calumhizzle: one hour on the dot
calumhizzle: we're facetiming

astroash: *sarcastic jazz hands*

calumhizzle: shdhdjdjsh

astroash: wait it's gonna be 10pm there though

calumhizzle: and

astroash: we won't be able to talk long

calumhizzle: why not

astroash: because you have to sleep

calumhizzle: nah
calumhizzle: sleep is for the weak

astroash: and you're a weak bitch, love

calumhizzle: sjshshsdmsjsn
calumhizzle: my heart

astroash: what

calumhizzle: you called me love💗💖💞💜💕💗💗💞💝💕

astroash: oh god

calumhizzle: 💝💞💖💕💜❤️💞💗💗💖💕💖💞💜💗💖💕💖💜❤️💗💖❤️

astroash: why

calumhizzle: I'm so excited to see u

astroash: me too

calumhizzle: u don't sound excited

astroash: I'm emo, calum

calumhizzle: mood
calumhizzle: wait like for a specific reason or....?

astroash: i hate my life aside from you and Sierra, the usual

calumhizzle: noooo baby :(((
calumhizzle: I don't like it when you're sad :(((
calumhizzle: move to aus and move in with me

astroash: no
astroash: I'm not living in australia again

calumhizzle: :((
calumhizzle: I don't want you to be where you're not happy
calumhizzle: where will you be happy

astroash: ughh

calumhizzle: I'll fucking move anywhere with you
calumhizzle: literally just tell me where you'll be happy at and it'll happen

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