My Hero🦸‍♂️

Start from the beginning

**** Vito is an Italian name that is derived from the Latin word "vita" meaning "life" it is a modern form of the Latin name "Vitus", meaning "life-giver", according to Wikipedia and says that the name is of Latin origin and means conqueror)****

Vito Vāsuki-Nāgī watches as Chase walks away from his daughter then he looks at her with a raised eyebrow "I can't control who comes out for a smoke while I stand out here waiting for you"  Nadezda tells him practically rolling her eyes at him he chuckles slightly and reaches over for her and she walks into his waiting hand and he leads her to the car saying in a soft voice with a somewhat cruel smile on his face that showed his dominance over her "I have somewhere else I wish to take you"  he tells her coolly as they climb inside.... Chase watched from a far off dark corner as the man who stopped before Nadezda there was something about the way he carried himself, how he seemed to lick his lips with a dangerous hunger in his eyes as he lead her to his limo and she followed him with a timid willingness "that's your father!?!"  Chase whispers softly with a worried and almost scared tone as his body shivers in disgust the fear he felt wasn't for himself but for her because he could only imagine what that man was now doing to her inside that vehicle.... as soon as they were both inside the car Vito's hands wandered up his daughters body he's always loved this type of control that he had over her the feeling of power he felt as he dominated her body inside and out gaining full control over every inch of her and how HE was the only one who could do so what is he going to do when he finds out that he could no longer do so?! it started when she turned 10 and puberty struck her breasts started to grow along with her other "womanly values" and he saw just how "tantalizingly sexy" she was becoming he didn't care that it hurt her, that she HATED it he told himself that she loved it just like he does what was even better is that she allowed herself to become weak and succumbed to his power and strength her father dominated over her and her mother a woman by the name of Cissie controlled every decision, friend, thought, move Nadezda made she even forced Nadezda to work for her at her butchers shop so she could continue to control her it pissed Cissie off that Nadezda became a better chef than she ever was especially when it came to making up dishes on the fly as the saying goes and would make her cook then claim that she was the one who cooked it so in a way her mother used her as well to reminisce about the days when men would stare at her in the same way they stare at her daughter how they would do ANYTHING not just to look but to touch her in ways Nadezda did not want to be touched but even those thoughts started to change yet there was only ONE man Nadezda wanted to have touch her and that man just saved her life.... in a manner of speaking.... while she was in the club waiting for her father....

 while she was in the club waiting for her father

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The next time Chase sees Nadezda she's sitting by herself the window in a café wearing skin tight bandeau crop top and leather jacket with matching pants

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The next time Chase sees Nadezda she's sitting by herself the window in a café wearing skin tight bandeau crop top and leather jacket with matching pants.... though he could not see those from his present vantage point.... and she seemed.... bored.... he found himself wanting to see her again and not just through the other side of the window he also wanted to talk to her again to TRY get to know her better and see if he can't help her get rid of some of that boredom so he walks into the café and over to where she sat.... "hello again!"  Nadezda hears a familiar soft male voice that makes her body tingle excitedly and she looks over and up to see a familiar face smiling down at her a man who makes her heart race and her body feel things it's never felt before, her mind thinks of things it has never thought before things that because of her father normally disgust her she imagines that it was THIS man and NOT her father who lays above her dominating her in ways man like her father never should have done and she begins to wonder how it would actually feel she even believes that he just might be much more gentle and loving than her father ever was "hello!"  Nadezda says softly locking eyes with her hero from last night "mind if I join you?!"  he asks she waves her hand towards the booth across from her and he takes that as her way of giving him permission and sits down "so what brings you here?!"  he asks trying to start up a conversation "just trying to get a few seconds of peace and tranquility and be away from my mother.... before I have to go back to work"  she replies he chuckles lightly.... Chase and Nadezda chat for a little while until he notices her body tense up and become nervous as well as frightened he makes and excuse to leave stands up and bows before her which makes a small smile slide up the corner of her lips "until we meet again mia bella!"  he says softly as he bows and he could have sworn that he saw a light blush form upon her cheeks which makes him smile and the blush grows at the sight of his smile and he walks away.... Chase spent as much time as his military school/training would allow him to getting to know Nadezda and even he noticed the difference between the one day.... which seemed very rare for her to have.... that she was all alone and all the other days when she was trapped with her father and it gave him an idea he was going to separate her COMPLETELY from it all but first he had to fully gain her trust and that just might be the hardest thing he'd ever have to do.... it took him a full week to notice even the smallest change in her behavior it was much clearer to him when they were alone or in a building much like the café that didn't have many people inside it and it all started with a date

recherché defined by google as: rare, exotic, or obscure French, literally 'carefully sought out', past participle of rechercher 

Chase Me To My Grave (used to be titled Chase-ing A Dream)Where stories live. Discover now