Arriving at hogwarts / being sorted

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When you arrived at hogwarts you couldn't believe how huge it was as you followed everyone that was following hagrid you went into the great hall there stood professor mcgonagall holding a hat most people new you by your last name cause everyone new your families history about being a bunch of hufflepuffs so when your name came up you were walking up but before you sat down your eyes met with a man with shoulder length greasy black hair you thought nothing of it since everyone was staring at you so you sat down the hat starts to speak " hmmm interesting your family is from hufflepuff but you have some hidden talents that you don't know about hmmm better be ......... SLYTHERIN !!!!!!!" You froze in place completely shocked but soon got up and went to the slytherin table while Draco says " you are a fake slytherin and everyone will know soon enough stupid mud blood " you looked down you don't eat anything and soon look at the head table feeling someone stare at you and you are met with onix eyes

Hey guys sorry for not uploading in a while and I've really got into Harry Potter so I decided to wright a Harry Potter fan fiction ( rip : Alan rickman we will miss you )

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