Spend time with me Tenma!

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Okay I'm back! Now this request is from kane140324, Tenma and Hibari are spending the day together, but will something interrupt them?
Tenma was currently sitting on his couch with Hibari, who had come over to spend time with him on his day off from work. Hibari was currently sitting on his lap and snuggled up into his chest as they watched TV. "Tenma are you sure your okay spending time with me right now? You did say you were pretty tired earlier." Hibari said with concern evident in her voice as she looked back at him. "I'm fine Hibari, just a little tired is all." Tenma said with a gentle yawn as he covered his mouth with his hand. Hibari gently shifted so she was sitting next to him before letting his head rest on her shoulder.
Mirai was not happy right now, that pink haired, clover eyed bitch was hogging their boyfriend! "Who does she think she is? Tenma is just as much our boyfriend as he is her's! That's it I'm crashing this party!" Mirai thought to herself as she snuck away from her place at the window. Mirai snuck around to the corner of the house and was about to approach the front door. Although when she peeled around the corner she spotted Minori standing there. Mirai whipped back around the corner before she could be spotted by the candy loving Shinobi. "What the hell is she doing here?!" Mirai thought to herself as she watched for Minori's next move.
Minori didn't bother knocking as she just opened the front door and entered Tenma's shack. "Tenma can you play with me?" Minori asked as she entered the shack and looked around for her boyfriend. "Tenma can't right now Minori, he spending time with me." Hibari responded as Minori puffed out her cheeks in anger. "That's not fair! How come you get Tenma all to yourself?" Minori asked as she stomped her foot on the ground in annoyance. The two girls started to argue as Tenma tried to diffuse the situation before it got outta hand. "Girls there's no need to argue over something like this, please let's just sit down and talk about this!" Tenma pleases as he tried to get his girlfriends to stop arguing.
              Both Hibari and Minori shot Tenma a glare, which stopped his next sentence in his throat. "Stay out of it Tenma!" Both his girlfriends shouted at him before going back to their argument. Tenma sat down on the couch with a sigh, but was quickly confused by the gentle and soft hold on his arm. Tenma looked to his side only to find Murasaki cuddling his arm gently as Hibari and Minori continued to argue. "Hi Tenma." Murasaki said as she gave him her gentle smile as cuddled into his side even more. "Hey Saki, you came to spend time with me as well?" Tenma asked as Murasaki nodded before burying her face in his side.
                Hibari and Minori both turned and glared at Murasaki, who's hair started to whip wildly around in anger. "Stay out of this Murasaki!" Both Hibari and Minori shouted as Murasaki got angry and started to argue as well. "Oh for the love of god, seriously you to Saki?" Tenma said in disbelief as his three girlfriends continued to argue. "Shut up Tenma!" The three girls shouted before going back to their argument without missing a beat. "God dammit every fricken time with these three, well at least it can't get any worse, right?" Tenma thought to himself as he continued to watch his girlfriends fight.
Mirai was absolutely furious right now, not only was Hibari hogging Tenma, Minori and Murasaki jump in and start trying to take him as well! "That's it! Time to crash this party!" Mirai growled to herself under her breath as she burst through the front door, getting everyone's attention. "That's it! All of you step away from Tenma right now, it's my turn!" Mirai shouted as she marched up to them and glared evilly at all of them. "Who says you get Tenma Mirai?" Minori asked in annoyance as she glared at the shorter girl. "Yeah I wanna spend time with Tenma!" Murasaki growled out as her hair whipped around dangerously.
"Girls could we please talk about this like adults?" Tenma pleaded once again as all four of them glared at him in unison. "Stay the hell out of it Tenma!" They shouted to gether as they glare angrily at their boyfriend, who just sighs in response. The four girls continue to argue and shout at each other as Tenma just watch. "Okay this is just getting ridiculous! Time to put my foot down!" Tenma thought as he stood up a let out a piercing whistle that caught all of the girls attention and stopped the arguing. "Okay stop! This is getting ridiculous, I mean come on girls your in high school for God's sake! Yet here you all are arguing like children." Tenma said in disbelief at his girlfriends behavior.
The four girls hung their heads in shame as they looked down at their feet sadly. "We're sorry." They said in unison as they continued to look down in shame at their actions. Tenma's stern expression softened as he patted each of them on their heads. "It's okay, but how about instead of fighting over me, you just spend time with me together?" Tenma suggested as the four girls grew surprised looks at how stupid they had been. "W-Why didn't we think of that?" Mirai questioned as she looked at the other, who were just as confused as she was. Tenma chuckled before walking up to her and picking her up.
"That's what happens when you don't stop and think before acting Kitten!" Tenma said with a chuckle as he set her down on the couch gently. Tenma then motioned for the others to join him on the couch as they all sat down as well. The five of them proceeded to watch TV together without any arguing involved. Tenma couldn't help, but chuckle at the situation. These girls could drive him absolutely crazy in the worst ways, but he felt like life wouldn't be as exciting if they didn't. After things settled down and went back to normal, Tenma had to say all in all it was a pretty good day.

Okay that's another request down! Sorry I've been away from anything Senran Kagura related it's just a certain issue came up. Check my conversation page if you want to know more, but just know moving forward I'm over it! So that means expect more Senran Kagura from me in the near future! See you guys next time!

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