Worry Warts

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Okay so now that we've met Tenma's Cuddly Girlfriends, let's shift gears and meet the girls that are constantly fretting over they're Boyfriend's well-being!
Tenma really did love his girlfriends with all of his heart, but sometimes they could just be a little to protective. Even though all of them knew that the life of a Shinobi was dangerous, it still didn't stop them from trying to prevent him from doing things. Tenma couldn't even remember his actual mother being this protective of him back before she and the rest of his clan was wiped out. Although there were some of them that were more protective then others.
Tenma would say he is surprised that Yagyuu is overprotective, but the way she protected Hibari before he taught her thunder techniques. Now given that he tends to put himself in horrible positions, Tenma can kinda understand where her and the others are coming from, but sometimes they take it to far. A lot of the time the things they're worrying over isn't even Shinobi related, so it really got on his nerves when Yagyuu would get on his case for the simplest thing.
                Tenma entered his shack after a long Sunday at the Sleeping Panda, Tenma actually hadn't slept a wink since Thursday. "Well better finish the last of my homework!" Tenma said as he let out a yawn before walking over to his dinner table. "Hello Tenma." Tenma jumped before turning to find Yagyuu sitting on his couch. "Hey sweetie what are you doing here?" Tenma asked as he yawned once again before going to sit down and finish his homework. "Tenma when was the last time you slept?" Yagyuu asked as she tapped her foot on the ground impatiently.
                Yagyuu's eye seemed to flare with anger at Tenma's words as she marched up to him and grabbed his hand. Yagyuu began to drag Tenma to his room as Tenma tried to reason with her. "Yagyuu it's okay! I'll just finish my work and go to bed!" Tenma said as he tried to free his hand from her grip. "Oh no you don't Tenma! You are going to bed right now!" Yagyuu shouted as she threw him onto his bed. Yagyuu then sat down in a chair next to his bed and watched him. "Now I'm not leaving until you fall asleep! And don't think about pretending! I know the difference!" Yagyuu said as she glared down at him. "Yes Ma'am." Tenma sighed out as he drifted off to sleep.
Tenma was surprised that Homura of all people was an overprotective type given how reckless she can be at times. Although Homura has surprised him on multiple occasions with just him protective she could be. Tenma had a feeling this behavior could be linked to her trying to make up for what happened between him and the Crimson Squad in the past, which Tenma forgave a long time ago. In fact he constantly tells her that it's in the past, but Homura just seems to ignore his words and continue to worry about him. Maybe those to events aren't related after all.
                 Tenma and Homura were in town doing some lite shopping for the Crimson Dorm. The two of them had just finished paying and were exiting the store when they heard a lady scream. Tenma and Homura turn to see a small child standing in the intersection holding a ball. Although the scary thing was that a truck was barreling towards the child at high speeds. Homura looked over at Tenma only to find the bags he was holding lying on the ground. Tenma had grabbed the kid and pulled him out of the street, narrowly avoiding getting hit by the truck himself. "Young man thank you!" The child's mother cried as she gently took her child from Tenma's arms.
                Tenma walked back up to Homura only to receive a slap across the face from the tan girl. "Ow! What the hell was that for?!" Tenma shouted as he rubbed his cheek. "You idiot! You could have been seriously hurt!" Homura shouted angrily as she grabbed her boyfriend's hand and began dragging him back to the school. "Homura we're Shinobi, a car is not gonna be the thing that does me in!" Tenma said as he wrapped his arm around her shoulder and pulled her close to him. "Doesn't mean you should be so reckless! Don't you ever scare me like that again!" Homura said with a growl as she snuggled into his chest slightly. Tenma sighed before he continued to walk with his girlfriend back to Hanzo Ultimate.
Tenma could also understand why Yozakura was so protective and tended to worry about him. After all she basically raised all of her younger siblings, so she naturally had motherly habits. Unfortunately this usually led to Yozakura treating him like a child on occasion, which got on Tenma's nerves to no end. Tenma loved Yozakura and they both enjoyed many of the same activities, but he just wishes she would stop treating him like a five year old. Nobody ever said relationships were easy and have twenty girlfriends didn't make it any easier.
"Tenma be careful!" Yozakura shouted up to her boyfriend as she watched him scale the large cliff. Yumi decided to take her team out to the forest for some extra training this weekend and Tenma decided to tag along. "Yozakura I'll be fine! After all as Shinobi we have to be able to scale large objects like this!" Tenma said as he continued to scale the cliff without a care in the world. "You should really try and be more careful!" Yozakura shouted at her boyfriend once again as she watched him climb without any sense of worry on his face. Yozakura then saw Tenma's hand slip as he began to fall.
"Tenma!" Yozakura screeched as she watched him fall. Tenma grabbed a tree branch and swung down from it to the ground. "And he sticks the landing!" Tenma cheered with a grin on his face at his recovery from the fall. "You idiot!" Yozakura said as tears started to form in the corners of her eyes. "Yozakura I'm fine! See no injuries!" Tenma said again showing her his hands and other parts of his body. "That's it you are done for the day mister!" Yozakura said as she grabbed his hand and sat him down on a log, Yozakura sat down next to him and hugged his arm so he couldn't get away. Tenma sighed in annoyance, but knew better then to try and argue with his girlfriend and sat there to make her happy.
Now some of his girlfriends worry wasn't related to his reckless habits, but to his wellbeing. Whenever he gets a cold or suffers and injury some of his girlfriends will be on his case the entire week at times to take it easy. Imu was one of these girls, when it came to Tenma's health she became the judge, jury, and executioner. Imu was incredibly controlling when Tenma wasn't in top shape and she wasn't afraid to show it. Now Tenma would never say he didn't appreciate the concern, but sometimes it could get grating after awhile.
             Tenma woke feeling terrible, for the past few days he's been feeling weaker and weaker. Today finally seemed to be his breaking point and he wouldn't be going to class today. Despite that he still had to get up and make himself something to eat before lying down for the rest of the day. Tenma with labored steps made his way to the kitchen only to see Imu standing there with an annoyed look on her face. "Oh good morning Imu!" Tenma said before breaking into a violent coughing fit. "Tenma what do you think you're doing?" Imu asked as she tapped her foot on the ground impatiently.
                "Um I was going to make breakfast?" Tenma answered as he looked at her with a confused look. "No you will do no such thing! Lie down on that couch right now mister!" Imu ordered as Tenma complied with his Girlfriend's orders. "Now take this thermos of soup and lie here and relax. I'll go tell Kiriya Sensei that you won't being in class today." Imu said as she put a blanket over Tenma. "I appreciate the concern Imu, but I should be fine!" Tenma said as he gave Imu his best smile that he could give in his condition. Imu simply gave her best glare which shut Tenma up and he opted to do what his girlfriend said.

Alright another chapter done! I hope you enjoyed this chapter, we still have three chapters that meet the other girls and they're categories of girlfriend! I'll see you guys next time!

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