Part 12

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it's funny how life works. just yesterday i was wishing for everyone to forget i existed and now i'm going back. And the thing i know i won't admit to myself is, i wish i could see johnny just one last time. 

we finally drove past a sign saying welcome to lanton so i was expecting Carson to pull in somewhere and ask where to go but instead he kept driving. after about 10 minutes we had arrived...

in my old school's car park. it as 12 o'clock so everyone was in class and wouldn't switch lessons until 1:20. 

"what are we doing here?" "well for the real memories to come back we need to do things see things... see people." "you know i can't" "and why not?" "it's too dangerous" "but i'm here your safe" "still no" "okay fine why don't you tell me 1 person and we go to whatever lesson they have and ill talk to them outside while you hide round the corner and i can deliver them a message and you can snoop and look at how much they have changed" "fine" "who is it going to be? Lauren? Emily? Oscar?" "Johnny" his eyes went wide then back to normal and then he started getting out the car. before i could i reached into the park seat and grabbed one of his really oversize jumpers for me and put it on as well as my hat. i always keep my back ups in his car so at least i know i can always hide. i was gonna get out and put it all on when i got outside when i got a text. From lauren. 

laur: i know you won't answer but a new car just pulled in and i dunno who it is..

alex:don't worry

i then ignored again. how the fuck can she see us. i put on the stuff and started looking at all the windows this side and then i saw her. sat next to a window. she had Oscar sat next to her and she wasn't paying much attention. maybe if i wave she'll remember me? or is that too risky? 

i started getting out the car i looked down. carson knew something was up so he whispered into my ear. "what is it?" "lauren at window" "she can keep a secret right?" "yeah but" "no one's looking look up and wave" i looked at him then looked up at lauren who was looking directly at me then i took my hood down so she could get a clear view of my face then i waved. her face went straight to amazed then i put my finger to my mouth as if to say don't tell. then i put my hood back up. Carson then kissed my cheek as if to say well done. i know its weird for my best friend to do these sorta things but i've never stopped him and we both agreed on what we are. 

he started escorting me into school. when we got to the office the lady looked confused. "excuse me who are you?" it was mrs jane. she's my favorite so i took my hood down. "hiya mrs it's just me and my friend visiting for the day to grab something from one of my friends." "oh my gosh alex how are you?" "good good but um do you know what lesson johnny orlando is in" she left and grabbed a sheet of paper. "this has all your friends including johnnys timetable on hope to see you soon" then we left and i put my hood back up. carson came behind me and put two hands on my waist and said "good lie" i kept quiet and embraced myself for what's coming next. 

we finally made it to johnnys class and i looked in the back door window to make sure he wasn't skipping but no he was there. "okay he's there can you tell him this: i'm very sorry i had to leave like this and i truely miss you but it's not safe here for me i do hope to come back one day but for now please don't look for me and just stay safe and and i love him" carson just nodded and pointed for me to head round the corner while he went into the class. 

Johnny 😜

i was sat in class. History. a class i didn't want to be in when this weird dude entered the class. "hi sir" he said before getting cut off "hello who are you and why are you here?" "excuse you? this is royalty your speaking too" and that's when i heard it. that cute innocent giggle. not one from one of the annoying girls in my class but none other then alex star. it sounded like she was outside the room. "but after your rudeness i just want to take what i came here for and get going, johnny Orlando your coming with me." who does this guy think he's talking to? i just followed and we got outside and he stood in the middle of the corridor ready for a long chat. "what is it dick?" i said. "excuse you? i'm on behalf of someone else and if you don't listen carefully you won't be getting your message"  "okay fine hurry up" " i am carson luenders i am here on behlaf of alex star" "alex? where is she?" "thats something you don't need to know but anyway i have been sent to deliver a message" "what is it?" h strated saying it but also started writting something on a piece of paper. the message was " she's very sorry she had to leave like this and she truly misses you but it's not safe here for her but she does hope to come back one day but for now please don't look for her and just stay safe and she loves you" at this point he was still writing then he finally gave me the note. on the note it said. 'she's in this school i can't say where but she is and she can hear us but she's very unhappy to not be able to see you so heres the details- she lives in green-dale, she goes to stream high school but she doesn't tend to be there so go down the road from the school and on the corner of one of the streets is a cafe called inside sc she works there infact she will be there tonight'i nodded and mouthed thank you then spoke "tell her i miss her too more then anything i mean i i think shes the love of my life"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 23, 2019 ⏰

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