𝟜. 𝕨𝕙𝕪 𝕕𝕠 𝕪𝕠𝕦 𝕕𝕠 𝕥𝕙𝕚𝕤 𝕥𝕠 𝕞𝕖?

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"I don't have dreams."

Finn awoke from his slumber the light of the sun slightly hitting his face, he yawned before slipping out of bed and preparing himself for a morning shower. He climbs in turning the shower on, warm water contrasting with his skin. After a while he shut off the shower climbing out and walking back into the main part of his room. He takes out his clothes for school getting a glimpse of himself in the mirror.
"You should hate yourself."
The voice in his head told him, he was worth nothing. As well as being depressed he was self conscious and wanted nothing more than to disappear at times. He needed hope, something to push him forward, to reassure him that there was more to life than what he thought, somome to comfort him when he seeked it. He had been searching and searching for the one that would help him greatly however that could not be found...they definitely will be found soon though they might even be right under his nose.
Either way, at this moment he had to get dressed for school which he soon did in less than 5 minutes. Pulling his backpack onto his back he exited his room descending the stairs leading to the main part of the apartment complex to get to the lobby. Outside was his chauffeur awaiting for him, he sighed like he does everyday when he comes to the realisation of his parents not listening to him when he constantly demands to drive on his own to school, he felt like a 4 year old. He sat in silence for the whole car ride even when his chauffeur tried to make small talk, Finn didn't acknowledge him one bit, soon enough they had arrived at school and Finn got out of the car. He walked through the grand doors of his boring private school immediately being greeted with leaflets advertising another party that Romeo Beckham the schools fuck boy was hosting later that day. Finn took the leaflet and contemplated for a while before just deciding to go...he might meet someone there.
Millie gets out of bed lazily swaying as she walks towards the shower. Turning on the shower, the water that had slightly been dripping overnight soon letting out more water. she stripped herself from her black hoodie and shorts stepping into the freezing cold shower, the water droplets landing on her dangerously warm skin turning it a crimson kind of colour. She stood for a while under the coolness, her knotty matted hair slowly loosing as the water runs through her roots. The water shuts off after about another 10 minutes the reason why being obvious, she hadn't payed her monthly water bills because she had only received her money yesterday, her boss Dacre hosted the meeting a bit later than expected Millie not knowing why but she really couldn't give two shits, as long as she got all her money that month she'd be happy.
Millie got out of the shower careful not to slip, she walked down the hallway between the bathroom and bedroom wincing slightly when the cold solid wood touched her feet sending a shiver up her spine. As she entered her room she pulled out a grey hoodie with a pair of back leggings. She looked at herself in the mirror before getting dressed, seeing all her scars...others wouldn't have because they're mental scars of course. By this point she was mentally tired everything, all the bullshit she constantly puts herself through to survive.
"Better of dead."
Says the voice inside her head but she was stubborn and protested, she refused to let her mind take over...well not yet at least, for now she still had to find her hope.
That's exactly why she was considering crashing some fuck boy or popular girls party down in the rich part of Newyork. In the popular side of town you could always find a teenage house party with hot looking guys to flirt with or make horny, as much as she hated to admit it...it was good fun doing that, watching their eyes full of lust and hunger falter to disappointment once she
Gets up from their lap throwing them a wink over her shoulder before walking off to find another.
she really didn't need to do anything special today so she'd most likely go crash one of them, but she needed to find an outfit to wear if not she'd be stick in a hoodie and leggings, although the leggings would outline her figure she didn't really need a bunch of fuckboys staring at her ass all night. It gave other girls confidence boosts but definitely not Millie, she was very self conscious about herself the scars on her thighs and wrists indicated it. She stared down at the scares showing a little because of the small fitted hoodie she was wearing, she sighed and put her arms back to her sides. She really didn't want to self harm but couldn't stop her self it was simply just too hard. Her mind tellling her she needed it wasn't helping either, she was never particularly strong minded and gave up against almost anything her mind told her to do.
{time skip}
It was finally sixth period and Finn was bored out his mind. All day he had been thinking about a combination of things; the party, school and Jane... Jane looked about the same age as him and most likely was invited to the party too, he thought she might live in the rich side of New York based on where he found her that night, if she was from the poor side then she must of ran very far from her home. He thought about what she might wear...maybe a tight black dress with sequins the perfectly outlined the dip in her back to form her beautiful figure the dress had to be a sweetheart neck to make her cartilage more effective with the small slight curves of her chest, her hair short just below her shoulders perfect and plump lips coated in red lipstick she'd look amazing if she did turn up. Finn started to get hot almost as if he needed something to relieve what he was feeling. The burning sensation in his core all because of...
Beep, beep, beep
The dismiss bell rang shaking him from his thoughts, he couldn't see himself but he knew 100% his face was red. Just thinking about the girl in that kind of way gave him a burning feel. So with that he got up and left his classroom the teacher still explaining the homework but, honestly by this point he didn't care it was a Friday after all wasn't it? His chauffeur was awaiting him outside, he got in the car and decided to think about what he'd wear that night. Definitely not something to attract girls, he on went to party's to drink and observe others it was a habit of his seeing how people react to drugs and alcohol, it was funny at times seeing his classmates drunk out of their minds, although perhaps tonight he wouldn't get to observe...we are soon to find out why.
Hey y'all tell me what you guys think of it... I actually kind of enjoy writing these. I'm actually 13 years old 🤪 ⁉️

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