𝟚. 𝕨𝕙𝕠 𝕒𝕣𝕖 𝕪𝕠𝕦?

499 21 37

"She smelt of cheap perfume but looked like Madonna ."

The next day Millie woke up to the sound of a shower running. She bolted up from the soft mattress and looked around the room taking everything in trying to recall memories of last night. Eventually a person came out of the shower a towel wrapped around their waist. His torso still moist from the previous shower he had just taken.
"Oh you're up."
He gave a small smile to Millie before turning back around to the chest of drawers on the opposite side of his room. Millie just stares at him...
"Hey princess I know I'm hot but you're freaking me out a bit."
Millie looks down hiding  her blush then gets up out of the bed to get ready to leave. She has business to take care of today. She walks towards a the mirror in his room and ties her her back into a presentable messy bun then turns to Finn.
"Who are you and why am I here?"
Says Millie sternly.
"You sound like a bit of a tough one sweets you know that."
Finn says an entertained smile appearing on his face.
"I said who are you and where the fuck am I?"
She repeated again this time seriousness bold in her rusty voice.
Finn stopped what he was doing to look towards Millie he saw her facial expression and knew she wasn't a girl to mess about with shit. For Millie however at this point she needed to make her work priority as it was literally the only way of living. If anyone found out about the drugs she had and the money she had made she'd be grasses ass right now, and she needed to watch this boy because there could be a possibility of him being the one to snitch.
"My names Finn."
"Finn wolfhard"
"This is my house, I saw you in the rain last night you looked scared and confused. then all of a sudden you fainted so I brought you here."
"Who are you ?"
Finn finished what he had to say with a question that Millie absolutely hated because in all honesty she saw herself as a nobody.
Said Millie sharply, he didn't need to know her real name.
"Well hi Jane."
Finn gave Her a toothy grin, but Millie returned his grin with scowl.
She started walking towards the bedroom door but was pulled quickly back by Finn. He has was surprisingly strong despite his lanky figure.
"Where are you going!"
"I have business to get too."
"Business...it's a school day!"
Millie rolled her eyes at what Finn had just said seeing as she was a school drop out. She wasn't about to tell finn that though because that would lead to the reason why she was a dropout.
"My parents can't see you you're a girl!"
"So what?"
Millie shrugged reaching for the door handle.
"They're gonna think we slept together!"
Finn whisper shouted at Millie. Millie's face almost immediately turned a deep shade of red as she realised how dumb she had been.
"How am I supposed to get out?"
She retorted back with a huff.
"You'll have to wait until my parents leave for work."
He said back gently.
"And when's that supposed to be."
Millie said eyeing him up and down.
Finn said normally. Millie rolled her eyes at his statement because it sucked she had to get to her boss as quickly as possible. So she could be given some more shit to sell and make money. She glanced over at the clock to see that it was 7am.
"What am I gonna do while waiting you've got school."
Millie sneered coldly.
"I don't have to go I mean I've got no tests today I'd hate to miss one if I did though."
Millie started laughing at the statement Finn had just made. She fell into his arms before balancing herself upright again. Finn wondered what the fuck was so funny but managed to catch her while she laughed. She smelt like cheap perfume but Finn had to admit she was a pretty girl.
"She looked like Madonna."
After Millie got to her feet Finn had the urge to ask an obvious question.
"What's so funny?"
Finn asked really confused as to why she had just laughed at a simple statement.
"You'd hate to miss a test?"
She said seriously looking into his eyes.
Finn just turned around picked up his clothes and went into the bathroom to get changed. Meanwhile Millie just wanted to get out of the stupid house she was now on preventive custody in. Hopefully Finn wouldn't leave even if he knew only her name it would be nice to be in the presence of someone but she doesn't necessarily have to like the person.
Finn came outside to find "Jane" laying on his bed staring at the ceiling.
"What are you doing?"
"Isn't it obvious."
Finn looked at her before shaking his head no.
"I'm thinking dumbass."
"Sorry calm down."
He said back with just as much attitude while rolling his eyes.
Millie rolled over to face Finn. Staring at him for just a second before asking a question.
"Don't you have school or some shit I don't know."
"I'm not going."
He replied simply.
Millie got up and walked towards the balcony area of his room and opened the door. She took out a pack of cigarettes then her lighter and lit one. She put the cigarette to her chapped lips while holding it between her knuckles and sucked in. The unhealthy smoke quick to enter her lungs, then after a while removing the cigarette from her lips to exhale excess smoke slowly. She tapes the ashes on the end of her cigarette every once in a while in order for the taste of the addictive stick to not be ruined. The ash falls onto the balcony floor which really pisses finn off.
"Hey sweets try not to get that on my balcony floor it's not really a nice sight when visitors sit out there."
Finn says although his anger not showing much.
"Don't call me that. And I don't care would you rather me put the ashes on your carpet?"
Finn looks at her with his eyebrows raised almost as if he was surprised by how She could say something so rude.
"I didn't think so either."
While Millie enjoyed her cigarette she liked to think a little. Smoking helped her, it sounded stupid but it really did. It helped her escape reality for a little while it was almost as if she could.
"Smoke away her problems."
But then as soon as the cigarette comes to an end reality comes back. That's why she is so addicted to cigarettes...to try and get rid of the harsh reality she smokes as much as 20 a day. She New it was unhealthy and she new it was slowly killing her but did it really matter?
There was really nothing to do up until 10.30 so the two teens just sat around in silence. Millie didn't want to speak to Finn at all but she wouldn't lie and say that being in another persons presence made her feel safe. More specifically Finns presence, seeing as he had helped her in the rain the previous night. As much as Millie hates to admit it finn was now on her good side because of that deed. But, Finn didn't need to know that it wasn't important. Before they knew it it was 10.30 and Millie got up as soon as she saw the time. Finn didn't want her to go so her did the only thing he could think of.
"Jane wait."
"What now?!"
She said her anger rising.
"Can we hang out sometime?"
Finn said almost pleading for the answer he hopped for.
"Finn...you don't want to be around me, I'm not a good person and
For the lives that I take, For the love that I hate, For the laws that I break, For the lies that I make, I'm going to hell."
That was all Millie ever said before making her way through the door and out of the apartment. She hoped that would be the last time she'd see him. But little did they both know that it wouldn't.

OoF I enjoy writing these, comment what yu think how old do you guys think I am⁉️

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