Chapter 4

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I walked through the doors of the main room of the ship. The rangers and Alpha were busy at work.

ME: "Guys!"

Everyone stopped what they were doing and looked at me.

ME: "I found one of my sisters!"

They all wore smiles on their faces.

ALL: "That's great!!!"

ME: "Karina, come here."


I slowly walked into the command room and stopped beside Andros with my head down. I slowly raised it and the rangers gasped and took fighting stance.

ANDROS: "Guys, it's ok. She's my sister!"

TJ: "No, that's Astronoma in disguise."

I smiled a soft smile.

ME: "Actually, my name was Adhara. I'm technically Astronoma's twin but the real me, Karina, is Karone's twin and Andros' sister. I won't cause you any harm trust-"

ZHANE: "Hey guys whats up? Sorry I'm late, fell asleep again. Oh wow! Who's she? She looks amazing!"

I looked down and blushed. Suddenly memories of Zhane and I playing as kids went through my head. I looked back up.

ME: "Zhane! Zhane oh my god its you!"

ZHANE: "Do I know you?"

My brother chuckled.

ANDROS: "Has she changed that much. You 2 used to play all the time when Karone and I were playing."

His eyes went wide and he gasped.

ZHANE: "Oh my god Karina! Is it really you?"

I nodded and moved a piece of hair behind my ear. To be honest I was nervous. I used to have such a crush on the kid when we were little. Now he's even hotter than before.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 23, 2019 ⏰

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