Chapter 2

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(Adhara is in the picture)


I was watching the view screen when suddenly it changed to a video of the red ranger. He was walking around KO-35. It was perfect. He was all alone!

ME: "Astronoma dear!"

Astronoma walked in a few seconds later.

ASTRONOMA: "Yes sister?"

ME: "Red ranger is on KO-35. Shall I go now? He's alone and there will be lesser screaming humans."

ASTRONOMA: "Of course. Go and gain their trust."

I nodded and transported out of the ship and onto KO-35.


I wandered around KO-35 until I got to the very spot I had let my sisters down at. I remember and stare into space as I watch Darkonda take 2 screaming little girls away and I yell their names. As I came to, I was surprised to see Astronoma there too.

ME: "Astronoma? Karone? You remember?"


I turned around pretending to be confused. Though to be honest for a second I was confused. He called me Astronoma. 

ME: "I am not Astronoma."

RED: "But you are."

ME: "I am her twin, Adhara."

RED: "Twin? Adhara? Karina?!"

I tilted my head in confusion.

ME: "Who's Karina?"

RED: "You are! I've been looking every where for you!"

I decided to play along with his dumb idea about me being his sister.

ME: "You've been looking for me? I don't know if you are right, but I'm tarting to get these dreams. I'm a little girl again. I'm playing with a little boy and my sister and suddenly this big monster runs up and grabs me. It must be a dream though right? I'm evil! I was born evil!"

After saying this so clearly, I realized I wasn't lying to the red ranger. I had had these dreams many times. Now, looking at the red ranger unmasked, he has the same look as the little boy from my dreams.

RED: "NO! You were born good! You're name is Karina and those dreams weren't dreams they were memories! I was that little boy Karina! I'm your brother!"

Suddenly memories came flashing back. 'This was never part of the plan! I must not tell Astronoma I might be looking my mind.' I decided to believe this ranger.

ME: "If you are my brother, where is the proof?"

He took out a locket he wore around his neck. A locket that looked just like mine and Astronoma's. He opened it and there were 2 pictures. The picture on the left side was of 2 little girls. Identical to each other. The other side held a picture of a small boy who looked a lot like the boy in my dreams. I gasped and my hand went to my necklace. Then I said words I didn't think I would say.

ME: " sister. I am...Karina."

Then the memories flooded back. 'My little brother Andros and my sister Karone and I playing in the field. Andros went to get the ball and Darkonda grabbed us and took us away."

I fell to the ground my head in pain. I looked up at the boy in front of me.

ME: "Wait...Andros?! I...I remember!"

The Bad Girl Turns RangerWhere stories live. Discover now