Walking to a new world

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How I am in a dessert if I was in my house? (voices of a girl start talking)

You don't belong in earth. U are a sound just like your father

My father?? You know HEM!!!

Yea but I can tell u this your half human and half sound


Yes your a sound you have someting that belong on soundP

Like what

That's your job to know but I can tell u this Jake

How u know my name

You have to walk till u find the life where u belong

(voice stop talking )

Walk where I belong???

Starts walking looking for answers)

Days pass and randomly steps on a hard metal object

What the he'll? (starts diging up object) it's a Door?

Opens door and sees black and Nyan colors) um is this what she told me to look for

And starts to look in and falls in) oh shit!!!!!!

Colors change plantes pass and time went fast

And lands on dirt ..where am I everythings like Tron? Nyan and colorfull

Where am I! (guy says) your in soundP Jake sound

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