too tired

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every morning savanna would wake up before the boys to get breakfast for all of them, but this time she woke up later, and not in the happiest way.

savanna was sleeping peacefully in the bed her and zion shared. everyone else went out to eat because they got tired of waiting for savanna to wake up. zion debated on that too, but thought he would just stay home and she'd wake up soon; that way they'll go out to eat together after she's up.

zion, having already been up for hours waiting on savanna, decided at 1pm that it was time for her to wake up. excitedly, he got up from the couch and went downstairs to where his room was at. downstairs because austin's, nick's, and edwin's rooms were on the same level as the living room and kitchen.

once zion got close to the door, he turned the knob and quietly opened it peeking his head through to see if she was still asleep. seeing just that, he pushed himself through and closed the door silently behind him.

zion began to look around the room trying to figure out how to wake her. he came to the conclusion that he should just jump on the bed and begin to yell till she wakes, "savanna! savannaaa! sav! ugly? cutie? baby! wakey motherfuckin wakey girl damn! i'm starving so you better get yo ass up if you don't want me to eat ya, because babygirl i swear i will!", running out of breath while saying so.

savanna immediately woke up giving him a face that told him to fuck off. "zion, no. get out. i'm still tired." she said pulling the blankets up over her head and turning the opposite direction of him.

that didn't stop zion from jumping though, so he continued. "babe it's fuckin past noon and i'm bored and i'm hungry. get the fuck uppppp", he said. savanna, already annoyed, kicked her leg out behind her to kick zion off in hope that it'd get him to stop, but she missed him and he ended up jumping on her foot. she then screamed out in pain saying, "ow you fucker," reaching back to touch her hurt foot, "you just jumped on my foot headass! i told you stop it z! go play your games somewhere else because i'm not in the fucking mood. i already told you i'm tired damnit". groaning at his annoyance, she turned over for the second time in the last two minutes.

zion stopped jumping and pouted at her, "well shit then wake up!", he paused giving him time to rethink his next words. in a calmer voice he continues, "savanna please wake up. i'm hella fuckin bored and i've been waiting on you for hours. give me some damn love ma". zion waited a minute for her to respond, but savanna gave nothing. he got off from standing on the bed, "fine then i'll go text my side hoe. maybe she'll love me and we'll go out to eat together", he said while taking out his phone to fake typing noises as if he was texting the 'side hoe'. savanna snickered at his words and said, "oKaY", mocking his voice, "you do just that z. tell her i say hi too asshole. now get the fuck out". zion looked at her astonishingly for a moment, debating if he should say something back. he decided to let her be because he didn't want to start something, so he walked out closing the door behind him.

while savanna was still in bed trying to fall back asleep, she heard zion's feet stomping up the stairs because they were right by the door. she felt bad for being rude to zion, but she just wanted some sleep for once. savanna turned towards the ceiling and began to rub her eyes to get the crusties out. she groaned loudly and threw her blankets to the side so she can get out of the bed. grabbing the lose blanket at the end of the bed and wrapping it around her, she made her way upstairs where her boyfriend was.

as she got to the top, she turned to her left to see zion sitting with his elbows on his knees and his hands holding up his head; his focus staring straight ahead at the turned off tv.

she silently sighed to herself and walked around the couch to the sad boy. standing in front of him, she looked down and he met her eyes when he tilted his head back to drink. "yes?" he said after taking the water bottle from his mouth and putting it down on the table behind her. he broke the silence with a little attitude. "i'm sorry" she replied. zion knew she was sincere so he dialed down his attitude. "for what? wanting to sleep? it's cool babe. i want that sometimes too when i come home late. it's fine. go back to bed savanna, i'll be fine", giving a little smile to assure her he was.

she realized she was being a little too rude to him in the room and separated his hands from his face to move forward to sit on his lap. wrapping the blanket around the both of them, savanna's arms were around his head cradling it, his head resting near her heart. "i'm sorry for being mean to you zion. it's just too early for you to be jumping on my bed" she said while letting out a little laugh. "i told you it was fine. i don't care anymore. i'm just glad you're here with me now, because you can get ready and we can finally go eat", he replied smiling back.

"can you hand me my phone though? you're kinda sitting on me and i need to text my side hoe to not come over anymore", he said while sitting back to see her reaction. "did you re-are you serious? i can't tell", savanna said questioning him. she couldn't tell because he had a serious face on. "savanna, you dumbass. no i'm not serious!" shaking his head and laughing at her.


das it for today...i have so many chapters lined up for this story. the only thing i'm worried about is how well the writing will actually be. go easy on me though n don't be afraid to comment something stupid or funny or dirty in the future. yeah lol okay bye


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