First Sight

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Chapter 2-

The moment the professor walks out we hear a throat being cleared.

"So, what they were saying on the train is true then," We hear a voice start. "Harry Potter has come to Hogwarts," it continues. I look up to see Draco Malfoy standing in front of all of us and looking at a boy only a few people away. Sure enough it is Harry Potter and he is staring at Draco.

"That's Crabbe and that's Goyle. And I'm Malfoy, Draco Malfoy," Draco says. Harry looks at him and frowns a bit. Then I hear a snicker coming from someone next to Harry. It's  a red headed boy with old robes, sure enough a Weasley.

"Think my name's funny do you? No need to ask yours, red hair and a hand-me-down robe, you must be a Weasley," Draco says rudley. The boy looks down and shrugs.

"Some might say that some wizarding families are better than others," Draco starts again, speaking to Harry. "Don't want to go making friends with the wrong sort," he says looking at the Weasley. "I can help you there," Draco offers sticking out his hand for Harry to shake. He stares at and shakes his hand.

"I think I tell the right from the wrong on my own thanks," Harry says. Draco startes at him flabbergasted when the professor from before comes out and taps him on the shoulder. He looks behind him and moves when he sees it her.

"We are ready for you now," she says and turns around for us to follow. We walk towards the Great Hall doors and they swing open, revealing the amazing Great Hall. There are four long tables, students taking a great number of the table spots along with another huge table at the front with all the professors and the Headmaster sitting at it. I look up to the ceiling to see the night sky. I tug on Chloe's cloak and point up. She smiles and nods when she sees it. Candles are floating above the tables giving off lots of light all throughout the room. We all end up gathering around a stool with a hat on it. I know what it is, the Sorting Hat. It will tell us all what house we will be put in. The professor stands behind it and takes a roll of parchement out of her cloak. She begins to unroll it and then looks up.

"Now when I call your name, I want you to come foward, sit on the stool and I will place the Sorting Hat on your head," she instructs. She squints and reads the first name.

"Hermione Granger." Herminoe takes a deep breath and begins walking up. She sits on the stool and holds her breath. In only a few seconds, the hat yells out, "Gryffindor!" She smiles, jumps off the stool and skips to the cheering Gryffindor table and sits next to one of the Weasley twins. They are too far away for me to tell who is who at this point.

"Draco Malfoy," is next. He walks foward with a smirk on his face as he goes to be sorted. Before the hat is even on his head, the hat yells out, "Slytherin!" He smiles happily and goes to the cheering Slytherin house. I see Ronald whisper something to Harry and they both nod when Ronald stands back to normal.

"Ronald Weasley," is called next. I see the Weasley boy that snickered at Draco walk foward and sit down at the stool. Within a moment the hat yells," Gryffindor!" He breaths a sigh of relief and goes to sit next to a brother.

"Harry Potter," is called next. Within  a second, the whole room grows quiet. He goes up and sits down. Literally you could hear a pin drop, it was so quiet. It takes almost five minutes for the Sorting Hat to decide. "Gryffindor!" The hat yells out. Harry smiles and runs to Ron and highfives him.

"Chloe Harris," I look at her and nod. She smiles and walks foward. When she reaches the stool she sits down and closes her eyes. Within a minute, the hat yells, "Gryffindor!" Chloe jumps up and runs to me and hugs me, then goes to the Gryffindor table. A few more kids are called, being sorted into Slytherin, Hufflepuff, Slythering, Ravenclaw and then, "Evana Malone," is called. I take a deep breath and walk up to the stool. I sit down uncomfortably and breath deeply. The hat is place gently onto my head and I hear a voice.

Hmm, a smart girl. Thats good, along with bravery. Good, good. You are an adventerous, smart, and sociable girl. Hmm, maybe Hufflepuff?

No! I have to be with Chloe!

"Oh, that new Gryffindor girl. She seemed attached to you in her thoughts. Hmm, you are close friends. But I can't just put you in Gryffindor because of her.

But you said I was smart and brave, somthing all Gryffindors mostly are. Please? I beg. There is silence and then, "Gryffindor!" I smile and look at Chloe who is sitting next to Hermione. I feel the hat being lifted off of me and I run to Chloe and hug her. Next is Hermione and then George.

"Congratulations!" He commends.

"Thank you!" I say. I shake hands with the other twin whos name is George and their brother, Percy who is a Prefect. I shake hands with Harry and Ronald.

"Why did you hug my brother?" He asks.

"I met him on the train," I say. Ronald looks at me and shrugs.

"Don't worry Ron, she's nice," George assures.

"Thank you," I say. George nods and turns to talk to his brother. I sit down to let the ceremony go on. I listen to the rest of the names and houses being called out. I am kind of spacing out when I feel a tug on my robe.

"Glad you're here," Chloe whispers.

"Why wouldn't I be?" I ask.

"Because of your dad, being a Ravenclaw."

"Oh, right forgot about that," I nod in rememberance. I look back up to the front to see a boy with short brown hair on the stool. He has a scared look on his face, as if he doesn't know his house fate. Is he a Muggle born?

"Gryffindor!" is yelled. He walks over and sits down next to a dark skined boy and high fives him. Maybe they met on the train or were friends from before.

"Harry, did you here what his name was?" I ask.

"Seamus Finnigan, I think," Harry says.

"Hm," I mutter. Seamus walks to us and shakes our hands. I smile at him and he smiles back.

"He's kind of cute," I whisper Chloe when he leaves.

"You think so?" she asks. I nod and she rolls her eyes.

"Have fun with that," she whispers.

My First Gryffindor Love (year one) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now