Chapter 3: Week 1

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The first week was a bit rough, coming home I just wanted to sleep and shower. Thursday Lucas and I got into an argument because he tossed a toy truck at my leg. It was a long day after that.

During the weekend, I took my mom out for a dinner and then we got massages before heading home.

Sunday I slept in. All day.

"Wake up Lucas." I said giving him a small shake, he shook his head brushing me away "I'm too tired to get up. I don't feel good." He said furrowing his eyebrows.

Running my hand over his cheek, I felt for a fever, he's a bit warm. "Alright, how about we go downstairs and sit in the living room, and I'll call and ask your mom if we could watch a movie." I said brushing his hair from his face.

Lucas nodded and I stood picking him up and walking him down the stairs to the living room placing him on the couch and hurrying back upstairs grabbing a blanket and going back down to him tossing it over him.

Dialing Alison's number, I waited and she picked up "Hello?" She said on the other line.

"Hello Alison. I'm sorry for bothering you but I wanted to know if Lucas could watch a movie. He's not feeling too well and I think I might lose my voice if I read to him all day." I said waiting nervously.

She stayed quiet for a while "Yeah, just make sure he takes medicine and gets his nap in." She said.

"Will do, thank you and I apologize again." I said before hanging up and turning the tv on. Lucas smiled at me and I smiled back "Were watching tv today kid." I said putting on Tarzan.

He watched it with full interest, we sat on the couch and a woman in a white button up and slacks came in with a tray. "Mrs Ryland recommended chicken noodle soup for lunch along with medicine for his cold." She said placing he tray down on the coffee table.

I nodded "Thank you-" I waited and she smiled "Emily." She said.

"Thank you Emily." I said taking his medicine pouring a spoon of the strawberry children's Tylenol.

Lucas stared at it angry "I hate that stuff." He said scowling at it.

I eyed it "Yeah it definitely doesn't taste too good but it'll make you feel a lot better." I said watching him frown.

"If you take some I'll take some." I bargained.

He nodded and took a spoonful swallowing it down.

Pouring a drop onto the spoon, I took it and cringed, he laughed at my expression and I handed him his bowl of soup.

Taking my bowl, the front door opened and her voice entered the home "Why is he watching television?" I turned and looked to Lindsay eyeing her "He's sick." I said.

She walked over and felt his face "Well he should be in bed resting, you should be reading him a book or take him outside for a walk. I don't think you get paid to just sit and watch tv on a couch." She said arguing with me.

Lucas looked up at her "You eat anacondas!" He shouted at her.

She stared at him confused "What?" She asked.

I laughed and ran my hand through his hair pointing to his soup "Eat up." I said before looking back at Lindsay "Listen, Lindsay, I don't tell you how to do your job. Don't tell me how to do mine." I said smiling at her.

She scoffed "You call this doing your job? I give you a week tops before you're fired." She shook her head walking away.

I scowled and looked down at Lucas "What bug crawled up her ass?" I asked him.

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