Part 2

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"Bearger! I made breakfast!" Slazo called to Bearger. He was cooking them breakfast. He learned the recipe from instagram. He called it a hotdog egg bread thing. Bearger didn't come running, so Slazo went to go get him. 

"Silly Bearger, it's time to eat!" He said, and brought Bearger into the kitchen and sat him on a chair. It had been a week since Slazo realized he loved Bearger, and Bearger had agreed to be Slazo's boyfriend. 

He served Bearger one of the hotdog egg bread things and poured him a glass of orange juice. He had chosen this dish because it was in the shape of a heart, and he loved Bearger. 

"Guess what I got us?" He asked Bearger. No answer. Slazo took a bite, but quickly spit it out. That's not cooked right, he thought to himself, and hoped Bearger wouldn't notice. 

"I got us dinner reservations for tomorrow night!" Slazo announced. Bearger tipped and fell off its chair. Slazo screamed and ran to its side. "Bearger! Don't worry, I'll get us help!" He got out his phone and called 000. 

"This is 000,  how may I help you?" The operator asked. Slazo was panicked and it took him a second to gain his composure enough to speak. 

"My boyfriend has fallen and he's not speaking! I think he might've broken something!" Slazo yelled. 

"Sir, please calm down. Please explain what happened clearly." The operator told him. 

Slazo took another breath, and began to explain. "We were having breakfast when suddenly he just seized up and fell out of his chair! He's not talking. I think he hit his head!" 

"We'll send people right over. What's your address?" The person asked. Slazo told her and then held Bearger's hand. 

"It's all going to be okay, Bearger. It will all be okay." 

Nobody Understands Us /// Slazo X BeargerUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum