[Message not sent]

Start from the beginning

Kurth left the chat.

" Wait! "
" Ugh.. you left already you jerk.."
" I like you too, okay? Chat me if you go back online. "

Caitlyn left the chat.
Kurth joined the chat.

" Wait, are you serious? You're not joking aren't you?"
" Hey! Don't go leaving the chat!!"

Caitlyn joined the chat.

" Well, you were the one who left the chat first..."

" Do you really mean it? That you also like me?"

" Then I wouldn't have said it if I didn't mean it now, do I?"

" Sorry. I just... can't believe it... You really feel that way for me?"

" Yeah... I think you're wonderful.. in every single way possible.."

" You too... "
" Can we meet? I actually want to see you before we can.. you know, take a step forward. "

" I'd love too. "


As I went down from the tricycle, I paid the driver and went straight inside the place he said we were gonna meet.

It was a cafe with a little to no people at all, I pushed the door open as it gave a little ring from the chimes hanged from the top.

I opened my phone and tapped the Messenger app, typing a message to Kurth to make him know that I was already here, knowing since he wasn't inside at all.

" Hey bud, I'm here, where are you at?" Sent 10:24

As I set down my phone, I flicked my arm to look at my wristwatch to see what time it is. Wandering what time can Kurth come since he was running late.

Well, not until my phone vibrates on my hand, I turned on the screen and found a notification that Kurth already replied.

" Go outside. By the intersection that passes the alley, I'll meet you there. I have a surprise for you. " Seen 10:40

A ghost of a smile appears on my lips as I thought of what his surprise can be, or why he even want to do so.

I stood and went out of the shop, doing exactly what Kurth had told me to do to get to the place where to meet him.

I stood in front of the alleyway, under the light post, I smiled as I picked out my phone once more to send a message to Kurth to let him know that I'm here.

But then, I felt a cold steel on my skin that goes through my shirt, it felt like a muzzle.

And my body froze with fear as my eyes narrowed when a shrill voice behind me spoke.

" Don't move. "


[ "Kurth's" POV]

" She's already there."

I spoke blankly as my mind wandered after typing a message to Caitlyn.

I can't do this to her. I can't. But we need to.

" Nice! And in your first girl! You're unnatural! Man, I bet that chick's gonna have a lot of loot! 'Kay I'm almost there, keep chatting her to our secret place. " my partner hooted silently through his earpiece.

I sighed as regret and guilt rise up to my gut as we do this "job".

I can't do this. I didn't lie. I really liked her. She was the most wonderful person I've ever met.

I don't want her to get hurt.

" You better do this properly, Geo. " my boss whispered intimidatingly to my ear as I held the phone in my hands.

I greeted my teeth as I thought I was helpless.

Instead, I typed down to my keyboard.. and said.

" Sorry. I love you. "

❌ message not sent.


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