Chapter 5 Daggers and Alvin

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We all followed his lead and instructed our dragons to retreat. Sunlux didn't though she went straight into the fight to try and find Jade.

"Sunlux no!" I yelled as she dove towards to Outcast soldiers.

I went to fly after her but Hiccup flew in front of me.

"No! she'll be alright, she can defend herself come back we'll think of another way to get to Jade" He said and I gave in.



I sat on the ground of the cell hoping that Sunlux was alright and had got my friends to come and help me.

My leg was still bleeding and I was feeling weaker by the minute, I could tell I was losing way too much blood.

I then heard footsteps approaching my cell, I heard the door open and I slowly looked up to see one of the guards looking down at me and holding a rope.

"Get up! Alvin wants to you now!" He said loud and sternly

Geez can't he see that I'm hurt, cut me some slack.

"Now!" He yelled at me again but I don't move.

Eventually he lost his patience and dragged me to my feet and tied my hand behind my back.

He then dragged my out the cell and through to the main arena where I was tied up against a pole that was connected to the wall of the arena.

"Good to see you again Jadeena" A familiar voice spoke smugly.

"I would say the same Alvin but I don't feel the same way" I spat and he appeared from the shadows but not alone.

About 10 other guards joined him.

"If I were you I suggest keeping my big mouth in check" He said approaching me and taking a Dagger out from his belt.

"Now I also suggest that you choose your next choice carefully" He said smugly

"What are you talking about?" I said as my left leg started to hurt since I had been standing on one leg the whole time I had been tied up to stop any further damage to it.

"You are going to help me train my dragons or I will launch an attack on your island, your choice" He smirked.

"Alvin you know me better than that, you know I won't go down without a fight" I said as I saw he slowly approached me angrily clutching the dagger in his hand.

"Fine then, it looks like you want to do this the hard way" He said smirking.

Before I could say anything else he dug the edge of the Dagger into my left arm and slowly slice down the inside of my arm.

I let out a blood curdling scream until he pulled the dagger out of my arm. I looked at my arm and saw it was stained red just like my leg. I felt the tears streaming down my face as I looked up at Alvin who smirked evilily.

"Change your mind yet?" He asked and I knew that if I didn't agree he would attack me again but I also knew that if I agreed and trained his dragons he would just attack Sunlake anyways.

"Never!" I spat weakly and he shrugged.

"Very well then he said as he slowly sliced the dagger down my collarbone making a huge open wound.

I let out another blood curdling scream as he cut me.

"Well as least you knew your brother before you died" Alvin smirked and I knew what was coming next he was going to kill me.

Dragon Masters ~Book 2 of Dragon TeamOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant