2 - Ainsley

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"Oi, you definitely got everything right?"

"Yeah," I replied quietly. I'm not going to lie, I was having second thoughts. What if Elvira did something wrong? She's a great witch but it's happened before. But there was also the fact that I was given up by my parents for a reason. I always dreamed that I would find my parents and they would tell me I had gone missing or I came at the wrong time, and then they would hug me and say, 'I guess we have a lot of catching up to do.' No, there is always that thought of was I a bad mistake and they just didn't want me?

"Look I know how much this means to you. Lets not chicken out now. The amount of pain you had to go through just to track them down, I mean, NO! We are going whether you like it or not missy."

This is one reason I love my best friend. She knows me well and I know her well. From first glance, me and Elvira don't look like the likeliest of friends. I mean, I kind of look kind of basic some times with my blonde highlights in my light brown hair but that's only because I keep forgetting to redo the pink. I had my hair in a plait with a few silver flowers laced in down the bottom. Yep, I look like some mean girl hippie and  pink highlights probably doesn't help. Then there's Elvira. Her black hair has electric blue highlights all the way through. Always a black top on with black or grey ripped jeans. At one point she even had a lip piercing, but she got it caught on a girls braces and it also turned out her grandmother was ignoring her for months until she had it taken out, but she assured me that wasn't the main reason to getting it taken out. Pretty sure it was though.

We soon set off with Elvira driving because I can't. I had the lessons, I had the test, I had the results. Failed. Although, I still think I'm a better driver than El and personally think she used magic to pass, she drives way too fast and I have proof that she has used magic to get out of at least seven tickets.

Closing my eyes I laid back, turning the stereo on. It was playing 25 by The Pretty Reckless. One of my favourite songs. I started humming along when the chorus came on and smiled. I rolled down the window and stuck me feet up on the dashboard. Hearing Elvira singing, I soon decided to join in.


It felt so amazing to be singing so loudly and feeling the wind through my hair. I popped my sunglasses on and felt the smile across my face. If my parents didn't want me when I got there, at least the journey was fun.

About an hour and a half in Elvira said she needed break and we had honestly been having a lot of fun, singing along to songs and then telling embarrassing stories to each other that we had both already heard. We've been friends for as long as I can remember. We went to the same school and in reception she came over to me and asked if I was a fairy. After that we sat for hours talking about our abilities. That was before we were old enough to understand to keep ourselves a secret from humans, El was already talented and could tell what I was from a mile away. Our teachers probably thought we were playing a long game or something.

It was hard though, to get Elvira into my house. Not until about year six did she start coming to my house. I could go to Elvira's happily and talk to her parents and everything. But she would have to float up to my window and then hide under my bed if my parents came in.

"You better not take too long if you want to get some snacks too."

I nodded. Of course, now she is going to insist that she pays for everything as always, because she has a lot of money that is very real. I followed her into the service station, it was empty apart from one worker in the coffee shop. Even the newsagents was closed. Elvira went off to the coffee shop flipping a small fragment of jade in her hand before swapping it for some pyrite. I went towards the toilet not before checking my wrist for my beaded bracelet. El bought it for me last year and I love it, I make sure to never go anywhere with out it.

Supposedly it helps with stress, fear, anxiety and gives you calm emotions. Aquamarine, Amethyst, Turquoise, Moonstone, Blue Lace Agate, Howlite, Smoky Quartz & Clear Quartz are in sphere shaped beads and a recurring pattern. I love it. Not to mention I have a silver bracelet with a few purple jewels to represent my birthday and I normally added a purple scrunchie for when I need to tie my hair back.

The whirring of the vacuum cleaner could be heard before I even turned the corner into the stinky toilets. No one would think anything of it. I know I wouldn't. But then my senses perked up, a tingling sensation making its way down my spine wear my wings were hiding. They wanted to spread and fly the hell away. Somethings not right.

Slowly, I made my way around the corner, peeking my head round to see the cleaner. I looked as carefully as possible (bear in mind I am looking for a big ass human). Not being able to see anything, I walked further into the sink area and followed the sound around the corner. The noise kept going but now every few seconds there was a loud bang. It was hitting something. Soon enough I thought of actually going to the toilet and just hope that I could walk away, I was tired and just wanted to be out the stinky ass loo, but then I heard a sort of grunt.

Ah, I don't think I am just tired anymore. Walking past the trolley full of cleaning supplies I grabbed the biggest thing with a handle. Now this was not the smartest decision because it wasn't until after I walked past it that I realised the item I was now holding behind my head was a fricking plunger. I swing the cubicle door wide open with a kick and swing the plunger head on towards the figure. I am ready for this fight.

"Sorry," I whispered whilst recovering from the scream that left my mouth, I said I was ready with my plunger in my hand and I did swing for and aim to hit something, but in my defence, I thought they were further away. I have not yet mastered anything to do with fighting.

"No, it's fine, my fault," Little more than confused right now, that was a low voice for a girl. Oh, never mind, that's because it's a boy. In the girl's bathroom...

I looked down at him. He had to duck down otherwise he risked the danger of being hit in the head with a plunger.

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