My hands skim over the rough bumps and tiny holes of the wall as I silently travel further down the path. The floor shifts before me, and I grab onto the wall for balance. I desperately wish I had some source of light with me to guide my feet. I press on, letting the wall be my guide as I descend then just as quickly ascend.

When I reach another door, this one smaller in size and framed by a set of meager stairs, I creep up to it. My hands find the handle of the door and I push it open. Light blasts all around me, blinding my eyes. My hands cover my eyes as I exit the corridor at last. I blink, letting the light settle on me, and gradually let my hands fall back onto my sides.

The light isn't as harsh anymore, but now it is softer and friendlier even. I take in the furniture around me, the golden pillars, the drapes, and the guards that line the walls. I gulp, but no one seems to question me. Not even a mere glance in my direction, I follow their gaze and find the source of their attention. At the end of the room a strong, controlled voice speaks.

My bare feet take slow careful steps as I try to get closer. Who is this man? I stand behind the first pillar I see and crane my neck behind it my eyes never leaving the man the guard's eyes never depart. When his feet lead him toward the side of the room, I finally get a look at him. He's dressed in deep blues and golds. His hair is long and untamed, and it hangs into his curved, defined face.

I abandon my hiding spot, and stride discreetly escaping into the dark path that led me to this strange room. My heart pounds within my chest and I feel the need to run surging through my body. I race through the darkness, trying to remember the steps I took and the turns that followed. My breath tightens, the exhaustion constricting my muscles. I stop, leaning against the carvings as I gasp for breath. I swallow in air, and let my body sink against the wall for support as I rest.

"Admiring the artwork, or did you just decide to go for a little stroll?"

The voice travels through the darkness and silences my heart.

"Who's there?" I ask, hoping my voice didn't reveal the fear that raced through my veins.

"I think I'm the one who should be asking questions."

I listen to the soft click of footsteps grow louder and my hands grasp the wall behind me as I waited. I hear a scratching sound then see a gentle flame grow, slowly becoming a strong fire. The figure's face glows with the torchlight on him. I observe him as he walks closer to me. His clothes glitter with each step he took, and that's when I realize he was the man in the other room, the one the guards watched without stop.

I study his face, and immediately my heart beat races inside my chest like it had done before.

"What are you doing here?"

"I was just looking for a mirror. My servant said that it was down here somewhere. I think I went through the wrong corridor."

He smirks at me.

"Servant? So, what does that make you if you have servants?"

My eyes searched his. The fear eased away from me. He just stood there calm and relaxed, I didn't feel the need to be afraid of him.

"No. I'm nothing special, believe me. I was taken from Susa to live here. The king is looking for a new wife."

His eyes flicker as he switches the torch to his other hand.

"Do you not want to be here, then?"

"I'm not sure. I guess I would have to meet the king to truly know. And you?"

His brows furrow in confusion. I stare at him, waiting for him to respond.

"What about me?"

I can't help but laugh, and I quickly cover my mouth to hide it. He walks closer, and silence falls between us. His face inches in toward mine as his eyes pierce my eyes. I let my hand fall.

"Let me help you out of here."

I nod my head and his torch guides the way. The dimness of the corridor subsides as we walk through and I glimpse at the carvings taking them in. The pictures were rich with color and the people in them seemed to dance throughout the walls. My hands travel over them as I follow the stranger. When he turns around he raises his torch to see the picture my hand had stopped at.

"Do you know who she is?" I ask. My hand rests on the face of the woman I had seen before. With the light now on her I could see her features. Her high eyebrows carved around her bold eyes. Her nose lined the sides of her plump cheeks. She was beautiful.


His voice sounds so cold. My eyes dart in his direction. His face is clenched and he looks uncomfortable — sad even. I recognized this look. It is the same one Haggai had shared when I mentioned Queen Vashti. This must be her.

"This is Queen Vashti, isn't it?"

"She isn't queen anymore," he spits as he stalks off, leaving me to hurry after him. When the door is opened, and I recognized the first corridor that lead me through this dark, and mysterious maze, I step through. The man whose name I didn't even know doesn't say a thing to me, just holds his torch in front of him as he guides me to the entrance of the corridor.

He faces me and I meet his eyes.

"A word of caution, my Lady. This part of the palace is best left undisturbed."

His cold glare leaves me and he turns on his heels as he hurries away. I am utterly speechless.

The Queen of PersiaWhere stories live. Discover now