"She has a point, you know," Dice pointed out.

"Oh, be quiet, Dice!" Nona said, seeming a bit annoyed with Dice butting into her conversation, "I told all of you that I wanted to leave by ten, so that we could get there around two!"

"Stop it!" Cat shouted, breaking up the feud that was starting, "Today, we are going to see all of our friends in Nevada and I want none of us to fight, so that we can all have a good time! I want all of us to be happy, happy, happy! Got it?"

"Ugghh... Yes, Cat," Goomer, Dice, Nona, and I all sighed.

"Ok, good," Cat replied, "Goomer, we can leave now."

"Kk," Goomer replied, as he started up the truck, "I'm so excited! I'm going to drive into another state for the very first time!"

"Yeah, I'm excited too!" Dice agreed.

"Me too!" Cat, Nona, and I agreed.

"Hey, let's all sing a song!" Cat suggested after about an hour of driving.

"Kk!" Goomer replied.

"What song shall we sing?" Nona asked.

"How about the silent song?" I suggested.

"What song is that?" Dice asked.

"It's a song that you sing in your head, so the people around you can't hear you singing!"

"Well, ok!"

Cat just sat there in complete silence, staring at absolutely nothing for a moment.

"Oh my gosh, did she buy it!?!?" I thought to myself.

"I don't like this song," Cat stated after awhile, "Can we please sing a different one?"

"Yeah, me neither!" Goomer agreed.

"Umm ok...," Dice and Nona said, seeming a bit weirded out.

"Ooh, let's sing The Wheels on the Bus!" Cat suggested.

"Ok!" Goomer, Nona, and Dice agreed.

"The wheels on the bus go round and round!" Cat sang, "Sing it with me!"

"Round and round! Round and round!" Cat, Dice, Goomer, and Nona sang all together.

"Come on, sing it with us, Sam!" Goomer told me.

"Yeah, come on, sing with us!" Cat agreed, "It'll be fun!"

"Fine!" I groaned, "I will glue all your mouths shut and shut! Shut and shut! Shut and shut! I will glue all of your mouths shut and shut, if you don't stop!"

"Well, if you didn't want to sing with us, you could of just said so!" Nona told me.

"Well, did you guys actually think that I was going to sing stupid, annoying songs with you?"

"Yeah, I guess not," Cat answered.

"So, I'm guessing that you don't want us to sing then," Dice stated.

"No, I do not," I answered.

"Why don't we just turn the radio on instead?" Goomer suggested.

"Yes, thank you, Goomer," I sighed out of relief.

"Alright, I'll put on some tunes for us all," Nona announced.

"Please don't be anybody's favorite song, please don't be anybody's favorite song!" I thought to myself, as Nona pressed the little button on the radio that turns it on, "And if it is, then please let it be my favorite song!"

Sam & Cat & the Haunted Thundermans: The PhantomsWhere stories live. Discover now