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It's the Rising Sun

03:43 A.M
You and Me

So they sat, Nostalgia looked into Cosmos' eyes and all they saw was love, an unknown feeling of love that floated in their eyes and wonders into the paintings Van Gogh had created; the fields of wheat with careful strokes, and
Monet's Sunsets.

Their love was strong, yet feeble, it was absurd how both felt it was infatuation, because it isn't, it wasn't. Nostalgia was soon moving away and she hated the idea of Cosmos longing her presence on that tree they had star-gazed upon.

How would she communicate with him?
Sure enough, there were telephones where she worked.

Guilt slowly bloomed inside her stomach, she began to wonder if she was being a burden on him, the end was nearing and Nostalgia could not bear thinking about it. Nostalgia read a quote written by Haruki Murakami somewhere before that said, 'I wish I could've met you when I was whole', but the thing was, Nostalgia already felt whole, and when she met Cosmos she was whole, she thought about how the world might empty her of her wholeness now, when would she meet him again? Would she still feel whole then? It would still be love, but would it be the same love twice?

Maybe she should've wanted less, maybe she should've poured water over the fiery pit burning in her heart.

The future was like an endless time loop that they could never escape. And the more they tried to get closer, the more the universe panicked and screamed, creating chaos.

"How can we become so distant? How can I move away without breaking myself? Without breaking him?" She questioned herself, her thoughts all jumbling together.

"What if I quietly just quietly leave?"

"Why would you say that Nostalgia?" His head tilted to the side, his cheekbones glistening under the morning sunlight.

"I didn't say anything, Cosmos."

"Yes you did. And the sooner you're thinking of leaving the more I'll keep on loving you."

"But-" Nostalgia stutters her green orbs are filled, glistening with salty regretful tears.

Her hands embrace Cosmos' soft hair.

"Distance does not matter, you're here with me right now and that's all that matters."

And at that moment, Nostalgia felt like she was at home, the assuring voice of Cosmos, he smelled like strawberries, he reminded her of a burning ember far away in the woods, with only the two of them.

After all, the Cosmos was created out of chaos, and the Cosmos ended with the most ear-splitting tear-dropping magnificent orchestra of ultraviolet rays mixed with a whirlwind of bursting planets in the solar system, after all, the Universe had no choice but to panic when two subtle but strong enigmatic forces entered into it's magnetic radar, after all,
Cosmos longs for its end and its beginning, with a strong longing,
of Nostalgia.

End of Adolescence .

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