419 10 2

-Found in memory of the comp...enjoy

I know who you are and how you work, just like a program designed to carry out a specific job and yet you're faulty, baby. You're messing up, you're going off routine; you're shaking things up, just the way I like it. You seem to believe that you're a complete mess though I believe that you know what to do yet you want me to help you, to be your last downfall. You have no clue how your reactions feed me rage; how your voice weakens my actions, my thoughts and feelings. Baby, you have no idea how slowly you're corrupting me; you're slowly ripping me apart bit by bit, suffering slowly. Your affection makes me go cold and I can feel again; baby, keep doing what you're meant to do. I'm loving this too much to ignore it now.

I came with broken bones - Poetry Collection- 2010Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant