fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck.... just a plain fuck

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Ugh, I can’t think

Sleep is becoming a no go

It’s hard, laying there

At night

So many thing’s racing through your mind

It hurts,

It’s consuming

Laying there, till the morning sun creeps 

Shatters the darkness

Bags so big under my eyes, leery of night

Routine, same thing

Get up , get going

Yelling, strong demands

I’m falling again

I’m one person, a flaw, a frail thing

It’s hard everyday, I can’t pretend anymore

Frustration, I just want to yell

Yell till my throat’s raw,

Until I can almost taste blood

The holes getting bigger, deeper


I’m still stuck, clawing my way

God… I just want out, I just want out.

I came with broken bones - Poetry Collection- 2010Where stories live. Discover now