The Hogwarts Express

Start from the beginning

"What are you?!" She screamed.

"Sorry, Mom, Kolivan, the other compartments are all full, and we have people in the compartment with us," Keith said.

"It's alright, just explain the situation and our..... existence." Krolia smiled at Keith, who was still leaning on my shoulder.

"Does this have to do with the marks below Lance's eyes, and Keith's, sort-of-an-animagus transformation?" Hermione asked.

I nodded. "We.... at least Keith and I- aren't fully human. I got my marks from my....... how do I explain this?" Keith put a hand on my shoulder.

"It's fine, I'm over her," I said, continuing the story. "They are called soul marks, and they were given to me by my..... ex? Sort of ex? Anyway, she gave them to me before she sacrificed herself to save all realities."

The trio looked at me in alarm, then Hermione nodded. "What about Keith?"

"I have an alien mother." Krolia waved through the monitor.

"I am able to transform into their species of alien, and I can control the pigmented skin in all places but my hands."

"Can we see?!" Ron asked excitedly.

Keith shrugged. His skin turned purple, he sprouted wolf ears, grew a tail, and became about six inches taller. 

The trio gasped once again, and Keith returned to his normal form.

"Lance's girlfriend was an Altean, another type of alien."

"Why did she have to sacrifice herself?" Ron asked.

"10,000 year old space war," I explained.

Their jaws dropped.

"You fought a war too?!" Harry exclaimed. "How long were you a part of it for? How did you get around? What did you use to win? What weapons did you use?"

"We won the war after about..... five years. We used giant sentient lion robot spaceships that turn into an even bigger warship. We used said warship to win, and we used our bayards, devices that can turn into a weapon most suited to our abilities, to fight close up battles. The lions are also armed. Pidge was always the green paladin, and Hunk was always the yellow paladin. At the beginning, I piloted blue, then Allura took my place so I could pilot Red, because Keith went to pilot Black, because the previous black paladin was killed then black trapped his soul in the inner life force of Voltron, the huge warship, then Keith found out about his heratige. After that, when we thought Shiro had just been kidnapped, an evil clone took his place, so he took over Black, and Keith went on to work with an orginization called The Blade of Marmora. After that, Keith found his mom and got stuck in a time warp. To us, he was only gone for two months, but the time warp trapped him, his mom, and Kosmo, a teleporting space wolf who can shrink into a catlike form, for two years. Then Keith defeated Shiro's evil clone, got a scar, and transferred Shiro's consciousness to his evil clone's body. Keith then went back to the black lion, and we won the war by Allura sacrificing herself. Now the lions are on their home planets, but we still have our bayards." (Just go with it, cause I know they don't have their bayards in the end, and that I left a lot out.)

The trio's jaws were dropped, and their eyes were opened wide.

"That's so much longer than our war!" Harry exclaimed.

"So what do your bayards transform into?" Hermione asked, after about ten minutes, in which Keith finished his conversation with Krolia and Kolivan, and hung up.

"Keith has a Galran dagger that turns into a sword, but his bayard can transform into a sword. Mine is a gun, and I now have the ability to turn it into a sword. Pidge's is a grappel hook, and Hunk has a machine gun. We will be teaching you to use swords this year, so Pidge and Hunk will be roaming around and helping out when they are needed."

The trio nodded in unison.

"Anthing else we need to know?" Hermione asked.

"Yes, we have knowledge of wizarding magic, but we personally aren't wizards and witches, but we do have some special abilities. Keith was blessed with fire abilities."

He lit his pointer finger on fire to show it.

"I have water abilities." I lifted the water out of Pidge's water bottle, then splashed her in the face with it. She looked up and glared at me. I willed her dry.

"Hunk has healing abilities, and Pidge has the ability to control plants." She caused the plants along the track to cover the window, then placed them back.

"Awesome!" Hermione squealed.

The rest of the ride was peaceful, and before I knew it, we were walking into the Great Hall.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 31, 2019 ⏰

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