Chapter 12

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I looked at Nagisa. He was dead against Karasuma, hiding behind him. I took position in a tree, watching for anyone who might be leaking our position. The large gun I held reloaded as I sniped in on hidden people. I had to stay here. Not a sound...

Katabayashi and Kataoka were both out in just a few minutes. They took the wrong way— they were too open.

Nagisa gave me a hand signal... Watch my right.

I blinked for a split second and aimed my gun. No one was there. I gave him the signal and slid down the weirdly hollowed out tree... There, I was safe from anything. No bugs resides in here, nor snakes, bats, and other... wildlife.

My knife dropped from underneath me. I could hear gunshots, gunshots and more gunshots. I could hear angered yells. For a second, I heard a slash and Nakamura groaning. Nagisa! My hands shook in excitement. Over the course of an hour, I could hear the panting of the other classmates as they all gasped at Karma's words.

"Come on our Nagisa! Come and fight me like a man would!"

I gasped loudly, but I was too far from anybody for them to hear me. I climbed up the steep wall of the trunk, peering out as I perched at the top.

"Don't do it." I muttered.

But he did. I saw the gun slide across the forest floor, making our odds even. He respected Karma, yes, but why does he have to do this now!?

I jumped from the tall tree and onto the forest floor, my suit absorbing the impact. I crawled lowly into a bush on the side lines and looked at Karma.

"Where's (Y/n)?" He asked, Mercury eyes red with rage. "I wanna get her out first!"

Nagisa grunted, showing his knife. "It doesn't matter. You're so going down!"

Then it began.

Karma made a hard lunge at Nagisa. Both dodged each other's frightened yet forceful attacks, unless from their knifes flying in every direction. Nagisa would glance in my direction occasionally, and I'd signal for him good luck. Both assassins locked each other in each other's arms, trying to throw one another off their feet. Nagisa landed on his back with a hard thud but sent Karma hitting the ground as he kicked his back legs out.

"You got this..."

But he didn't. As soon as Nagisa came down with a hop to "kill" Karma, the red head blocked it, holding Nagisa back. Both were pissed to shit, and worse, fighting over their own life or death for someone else's.

Karma didn't hesitate to throw Nagisa around a bit. He put a hand on one knee after throwing Nagisa over his head. They seemed so active... So animated... It looked like it was out of a movie, fighting each other, coming up with a way to decline their energy.

When Nagisa went in for another hit, he was kicked back. Surprising to us all, Karma ran back, only to kick his leg up and land Nagisa onto his face.

"Damn it Nagisa!" I yelled into my sleeve. I couldn't just stand here! If Nagisa was dead, then how would I defeat Karma.


There's that one thing I could do.

Clap stunner us something else.

A devilish smile spread across my face as I began to corrupt a plan in my head.

Unfortunately, Karma has the wrong type of smirk as Nagisa forced his dodge away, kicking the smirk-filled Karma's knife away.

"Yes!" I squeezed the sleeves of my jacket tightly. Each move was splendid and active. But this wasn't over yet.

As Nagisa jumped forward with a knife, Karma Eames into his chest, causing both of their heads to collide and him to drop his weapon.

Go for the second blade!

As he did what I had thought. Karma came in and made another ramming move. And to think that Gakushu allowed this... I watched in horror as Karma said something and started to knee Nagisa in the stomach repeatedly.

I clenched my fists. It's not over... Don't interfere!


For a moment, Akabane held Nagisa by the shirt, only to be reacted to by a punch to the nose.

"Go."  My voice raised up, but not enough for them to hear me.

Karma had no emotion. He just smacked Nagisa. Dumb move, cause he had a boot to the face!

But he just smirked and looked at Nagisa.

It was a mix of punches and kicks. Every time I saw Magisa take one for the team, I wanted to jump out.

But when he got axe kicked, and Karma picked up his knife, I could barely stand to stay back. But this was just the plan! It was an act.

A loud clap filled the air and I took advantage of it, lashing out like lightning from the bushes, tackling him into the ground.

"Where the hell did (Y/n) come from!" Terasaka yelled out.

I smirked and continued to roll around. I didn't bother to pull out a knife yet.

That's when a pain hit my whole body. I couldn't feel anything anymore. I couldn't process what was happening.

I was being weak...

"I-Itona..." I muttered. Everything around me seemed to fade a little bit as Nagisa and Karma started to fight, but Karma was no use as he got stuck into Nagisa's triangle choke.

I curled up and held my stomach. "God damn it I yelled as Karma surrendered. Feeling worn out and sore, everyone still ran up to me.

Itona's yellow eyes looked into mine and nearly went crazy on Karma.

"You bitch!" He three a hit on him, only to be stopped.

I stood up, my eyes bright and glaring. I felt my pupils dilate over and over again. Everyone seemed to be confused as I fell back down. Nagisa caught my head, looking into my (e/c) eyes. "You good?"

Karma made a hmph and crouched down. "Shoulda stayed off the field..."

I made a low growl and looked at him. "Fine then. Meet me by the cliff after school."

My eyes glared once more as Itona and the class watched me fall asleep, me sitting upright on Itona.

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