Chapter 8

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"Kayano, this is insane!" Nagisa yelled out. Nakamuraheld him back as he tried to run for the fire. "Of there's anything I've learned in this class, it's that you can't sacrifice yourself for your target!"

I unleashed all five tentacles at the same time, hitting Itona with one. "Leave me be if you want to live." My eyes went dark as I spoke. I could feel them dim as I turned away. "It's like you taught me... Strength is what I need to survive."

"Let him take control for a few. Just wait." Terasaka held onto me.

"If anything remotely bad happens, I'm going out there!"

"It's like a meteor shower!" Maehara commented.

"I'm tell you who'll be in there if you don't shut the hell up." I snapped.

Karma looked at me, "What's with the attitude?"

"Shut up!" I yelled, still facing the battle. My tentacles squirmed around me anxiously. I flicked the edges a bit. I always did it when I was angry.

Itona sensed that too. He touched my shoulder and one of them came down and smacked him backwards. He got the message and backed to Terasaka.

"She's only been it battle mode for fifteen seconds, and already the tentacles are controlling her." He looked at Nagisa straight in the eyes. "A few more minutes of this and..."

"She's dead." I finished.

Nagisa jerked his head. And gasped. I turned at him and faced back to the battle. This was the real Kaede. No acting. No paying around. She was a cold hearted killer.

"Die! Die! Die! Die! Die!" Kayano kept yelling while attacking him with gaming tentacles. I clenched my first again and nearly reached out a tentacle. 

"Reaper..." I called him by the name I always did. I didn't have another one to call him anyway.

"What did you say?" Nagisa asked.


"We have to do something!" Sugino complained, looking at Karasuma and Velabitch.

Then a clone of Koro-Sensei's face appeared.

"Woah! You're just a face now?!" 

"Yes. I'm afraid Kayano's attacks aren't leaving me much space or time!" He replied.

"Are you okay big bro?" I asked. I tried to control myself as Kaede kept throwing hits at him. I reached my tentacle to touch the clone a little, which worked for just a second. I let a tear go down my cheek and looked at his face. "What do we do?"

"Something! She's lost all reason! The tentacles are eating her life away!" He smacked one of her tentacles away. "But if her bloodlust equals her tentacles' bloodlust, they'll be rooted into her nervous shstem, impossible to extract!"

I reached a hand out as the clone kept its place in front of me. "Stay safe... Please..."

"You'll have to kill me at some point."

He talked to everyone now. "Talking her down isn't an option like it was with Itona! We don't have the time!"

I tensed at his name.

"So what do we do?"

"Only one thing. I have to pull them out as we fight!" He answered. "I have to let her strike beneath my tie, right where my heart is. Her tentacles will feel like they've done what was done and feel no state of alarm. That's when someone has to do something."

"Won't that kill you?"

"If I can postpone the death long enough, I might be able to regenerate my heart. But it has to be quick. It's a fifty-fifty chance."

"No!" I cried out. "What if you die!"

"Believe me. E-Class not being able to graduate is much worse than this. Now someone has to do something— anything— to get rid of her bloodlust, or at least distract her from it." His face disappeared as she threw another hit at him.

"He wants them to jump into the fray?!" Professor Bitch gasped. "These are high school assassins, not professional killers!"

I ignored her.

I could see Nagisalook ahead without saying anything. I walked over and nudged him with a tentacle as I came up behind him. "What are you thinking?"

"I'm thinking that I need to do the clap stunner." He tilted his head downward. "No. Her metal frequency is too out of whack... Wait. There's that one move..."

I nodded and turned away until I heard a cough and a muffled scream. I turned to see Koro-Sensei with his tie turned up and Kaede's tentacles where his heart was.

"No!" I yelled out.

No one could stop me. As he grabbed a hold of her, I immediately tried going for her. Itona and Nagisa immediately walked in front of me, Nagisa facing Kayano. Itona faced me as my eyes turned nearly black and Koro-Sensei grabbed a hold of me.

"Let go!" I looked passed Itona and Nagisa to look at Kaede.

"I can't do that!" He yelled to both of us.

"What are they doing?" Karma questioned.

He stared at me. For a long few seconds he stared at me. I couldn't move at all. My mind was fk used on one person.


"Let me—"

Then, as if on cue, both lashed forward. I was ready to attack him. But when he did what he did, it stopped in midair. I heard gasps and saw Nakamura and Karma take out their phones in the corner of my vision.

I felt Itona press his lips onto mine and tried to move away. But I was frozen. No matter what I did, I was frozen. A couldn't feel anything for a second. No tentacles. No arms. No legs, hands or feet. I stared at him as he just leaned in closer. My heart felt like breaking. Not of sadness. Not of pain. Just of shock. My whole mind was blown as I tried to get away. But I didn't even make a move. My whole body... my whole mind...

He finally backed away. Nagisa left Kaede hanging by her tentacles. We didn't even watch as they crowded around her.

My tentacles seemed to retract into my body as Itona looked me straight in the eyes. "You are more than a killer. More than an assassin. You're more than Kayano will ever be. You're more than I can explain." He leaned in and hugged me tightly. "You're mine."

Left in a daze, I saw Nakamura and Karma walk at us as we stood alone away from the group. They both smirked and Karma pulled out his phone to show is a picture.

Of us kissing.

"Baka!" I screamed at him and hit is head.

"Owchy!" He rubbed his head.

"Hmph." I pouted and smacked him again. We walked towards Nagisa and I hugged him from behind. "Nice job loverboy!"

"You were a victim too, you know." Kaede whispered.

"Fair point."

I lowered my body to her level. "Don't do that again."

She nodded, and I immediately fell backwards onto the ground. Nagisa, Karma, Itona, Okuda and Koro-Sensei looked at me.

"Are you okay?" Karma asked, getting close to me.

"Get back!" I saw Itona snack his hand away from my face. "(Y/N?"

I nodded a little bit.

"What's wrong?"

"I... I don't know. I..."

But by then, I already blacked out.

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