(10.) Mine-con

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              ~~~YOUR POV~~~

Beep Beep Beep!!! You hear you alarm go off but you throw you blanket over you and cover your ears. You had to wake up at 4 today because of how early Minecon starts. After a few more seconds of beeping it silenced, you felt your self drifting back to sleep.. BEEP! BEEP! BEEP!!! Your eyes flash open, it only felt like 2 seconds before the alarm goes off again, it's way louder. I mean, you saw this coming, you set your alarm to do that. It's goes off, waits for five minutes, goes off louder, waits five minutes, and goes off even louder. You groan as you stick you arms out of the warm position they were in and blindly find you phone and turn off your alarm. You lay in silence, you shut your eyes hoping for at least a few more minutes, but couldn't find a comfortable position. After a few minutes of twisting and turning looking for a position, you stop at look up at the ceiling. You were awake now... You sigh and you sit up and slowly drag yourself to the bathroom. Once done with your morning routine you dragged yourself out of the bathroom. You slowly pick out some over sized blue T-shirt, and a small light grey skirt. You slip it on and ponytail your shirt so people see you have something under it. You open your sock drawer and pull out black knee length socks, their more like leggings, but what ever. You slipped on your blue and white conversation and take a good look in the mirror. You signed as you admitted in your head that you looked like an anime girl. You shrugged it off and grabbed your leather over the shoulder bag and grabbed you phone and left the hotel room.

You were outside of the hotel now and you pulled out your phone, you got on your maps. "Closest Star bucks." Once you said those words into your phone, you sighed. You felt like you were in an anime now. Either way you still followed the map on your phone to the Star bucks. Once you got their you entered and ordered, "umm.. one (f/d) (favorite drink) please." You say to the young lady at the counter. "Okay, that will be $4.89." The lady says as you pull out your wallet from your shoulder bag and pay her. You take a seat at the counter near the window, you pull out a small drawing book and pencil, you look around to see a young woman, maybe slightly older than you. She was on her phone sipping on her coffee, you put your pencil on the paper and start Sketching away. "A (f/d) for (y/n)!" You put down your pencil and get up. "Thanks." You say as you grab your drink and go back to the counter. The lady was still glued to her phone, so you took the opportunity to draw in some details like the wall behind her, and her scrolling through insta. After a few minutes of you sipping on you drink and drawing, the Woman gets up and leaves. You sigh as you look down at your unfinished drawing, no one would notice it was unfinished, but you wanted to do more. But you left it like that, put the date down and packed up your stuff. You left Star bucks and walked you way back to your hotel room, sipping on your coffee looking around at the scenery. You walk into the hotel and look at the breakfast room to see the pack laughing and eating their breakfast. You giggle to yourself as you get an idea, you slowly walk around the corner and sneak up on their table. Once you get close you run up and slam up hands hard on the table "WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?" You say loudly making the whole table jump out of their seats, even causing a few of the to screech, including Rob. You laugh at their reaction. "What the heck (y/n)!!" Jerome yells at you, not in a mad way, giggles filled the table. "Well! Good morning back to you!" Lachlan says laughing. "I texted you and asked you to join, I thought you were still asleep!" Rob says looking and smiling at me. "Oh! Sorry! I didn't check my phone." You say with a nervous laugh. "Well, we all know where you were at!" Preston laughs pointing at my Star bucks cup. "Really?! You didn't take me with you!" Rob says in a hurt tone, but then starts laughing. "Sorry! I kinda just went on my own!" You say. "Oh well, anyways, you ready to go to Mine-con we have to leave soon." Mich says changing the topic. "Yeah, I'm actually ready." You say. "Okay cool, let's leave early so we have time to set up our booths." Vikk says, "okay." You and a few others reply at the same time. The group gets up out of the table and trows all the scraps of food away. You all then make way out of the hotel and loaded up into the vehicles. The seats were the same, Preston driving he's car, with Rob riding shotgun and you and Lachlan in the back. Mich driving he's car, with Jerome as shotgun and Vikk in the back. We wait in the car patiently til we get there, You were generally excited for this Minecon, you just couldn't wait! "Geuss what guys!!" Preston says turning down the music. "We're here!!" Rob says finishing Prestons statement. You jump out of the vehicle once it comes to a stop. "Awhhh~ this is gonna be funnnn!" You say cheerfully!! You wait for the others to get out and you all stand there looking at the big building. "Well, welcome to Mine-con." Rob says patting your back.

Yay!! I got 10 chapters down, but there's still more, sorry it's going slow. Anyways thanks for reading!!

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